試題 :
Introduction to Phonetics
Test on Ladefoged/Johnson, Chapter Seven April 20, 2016
1. Describe the following sounds. An example is given for your reference.
(12 x 3 = 36%) [本題題目為IPA,因難以繕打故直接呈現答案,請自行參閱IPA表。]
[β] voiced bilabial fricative
a. [ ] voiceless palatal fricative
b. [ ] voiced palatal nasal
c. [ ] voiced velar fricative
d. [c] voiceless palatal stop
e. [x] voiceless velar fricative
f. [ ] voiceless dental stop
g. [ ] voiced palatal fricative
h. [ ] voiced uvular stop
i. [ ] voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative
j. [ ] voiced uvular nasal
k. [ ] voiced palatal lateral approximant
l. [ ] voiced palatal stop
2. What is the IPA symbol for a labiodental nasal? Give an example of a word
where this sound might occur allophonically in English. (6%)
3. Name one language that has a labiodental affricate. (6%)
4. What is the definition of a "retroflex" articulation? (10%)
5. The adjective for sounds made with the tip of the tongue is _______; for
sounds made with the blade of the tongue is _______. (10%)
6. What do the subscripts [ _ ] and [ + ] indicate when added below an IPA
symbol, e.g. [sɑ], [zɑ]? (10)
- +
7. Which English sound is classified as labiovelar? (6%)
8. Give the IPA symbol for: (16%)
a. a voiced uvular fricative
b. a (voiced) uvular trill
c. a voiceless uvular stop
d. a voiceless pharyngeal fricative
e. a voiced lateral fricative
f. a labiodental nasal
g. a bilabial trill
h. a voiced uvular stop