試題 :
(10 pts each)
1.What is genotype and phenotype? How do they interact with environment?
2.Please describe Darwin's model of natural selection. How modern approach
make the selection theory work in evolutionary explanation?
3.Please write two paragraphs about the two case studies on industrial
melanism and sickle cell anemia in order to demonstrate that nature
selection is really in action.
4.Why are adaptations in nature not perfect?
5.What is evolutionary species concept? Why we need this one in evolutionary
biology in addition to the biological species concept?
6.Please explain two typical processes of allopatric speciation. Which process
is better fit to the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution?
7.Please explain how new gene evolves?
8.What are the characteristics that the "last" universal ancestor of
organisms must posses?
9.Interpret following four terms:Homeobox genes, mitochondrial Eve,
Pseudoextinction & coevolution.
10.Describe the evolutionary relationships of four species - Australopithecus
afarensis, Homo habilis, H. erectus & H. sapiens.