課程性質︰動物科學技術學系 神經生物與認知科學學程必修 兼通識A8*
開課系所︰動物科學技術學系 神經生物與認知科學學程
試題 :
I. For each question, please select the most appropriate answer from the
"Answer choises" below: (36pts)
1. The most significiant different between living organism and non-living
organism is _____.
2. The common component for starch, cellulose, and glycogen is ____.
3. The major component of plasma membrane and other cellular membrane is ____.
4. The structures of protein is at first determined by its sequence of ____.
5. The structure that hold sister chromatids together since the S pharse till
the onset of anaphase during mitosis is ____.
6. At metaphase, the chromosomes are in a configuration of ____ to ensure their
correct distribution into daughter cells/
7. ____ is the membranous strycture to separate cytoplasm during cytokinesis
in plant cells.
8. Cell-cycle control system regulates cell cycle progression at sveral
transition points through the blocking action by the ____ machinery.
9. Homologous chromosomes separate at the ____ division of meiosis.
10. Sister chromatids separate at the ____ division of meosis.
11. In addition to generate genetic recombination, ____ provides the connection
between homologous chromosomes in meiosis I.
12. Genes on the ____ chromosome normally will not pass from father to son.
13. In bacteria, function-related genes are clustered and regulated together
in the form of ____.
14. In eukaryotes, a single gene could generate different versoins of mature
mRNA through the mechanism of alternative ____.
15. ____ is the ultimate recipient of electrons from the electron transport
chain in mitochondria.
16. The energy released during electron transfer in the elecron transport
chain is used to generate potential energy in the form of a ____ gradient
cross a membrane.
17. CO2 fixation is separated spatially from Calvin cycle in the ____ plants.
18. CO2 fixation is separated temporally from Calvin cycle in the ____ plants.
<Answer choices>
A. X
B. H+
C. C4
D. O2
F. operons
G. splicing
H. glucose
I. checkpoint
J. phospholipid
K. equational
L. reproduction
M. reductoin
N. cell plate
O. amino acids
P. crossing-over
Q. cohension complex
R. bilateral symmetry
II. Best choice question, some(*) with more than one answer. (24pts)
1(*). The simplest classfication, which is based on the type of cells, divides
living organisms into two groups. What are they?
A. Eukaryote
B. Eubaceria
C. Prokaryote
D. Plantae
E. Animalia
2. The molecular formula for glocose is C6H12O6. What will be the molecular
formula for a polymer made by linking 9 glucose molecules together?
A. C60H120O60
B. C54H108O54
C. C54H92O46
D. C45H72O36
3(*). Which of following steps during gene expression could be used for the
regulatory mechanism?
A. transcription
B. mRNA splicing
C. translation
D. protein transportation
E. protein modification
4. A micrograph of dividing human cell showed discretely 46 pairs of sister
chromatids. During which of the following stages of cell division was this
picture taken?
A. metaphase of mitosis
B. anaphase of mitosis
C. metaphase I of meiosis
D. metaphase II of meiosis
E.anaphase II of meiosis
5(*). A drug that interferes with microtubule formation is lickely to disrupt
A. DNA replication
B. transcription
C. mitosis
D. meiosis
E. RNA splicing
6. Which of the following best describes the route of a secreted proteim from
its production to its exit from the cell?
A. rER - transport visicles - Golgi apparatus - transport vesicles - membrane
B. Golgi apparatus - rER - sER - cell membrane
C. nucleus - transport vesicles - rER - cell membrane
D. sER - Golgi apparatus - rER - cell membrane
E. lysosome - rER - sER - cell membrane
7(*). In additon to cytoplasm, ribosomes could be found inside which organelle?
A. lysosome
B. peroxisome
C. Golgi apparatus
D. chloroplast
E. mitochondria
8. A, B, and C are three unlinked genes. What is the probability to get an
offspringwith the genotype of AaBBCc frome a cross between AABbCc and
A. 1/8
B. 1/16
C. 3/16
D. 1/32
E. 3/64
9. The recombination frequencies between four linked loci, A, B, C, and D are
as the following:
A-C:7% A-D:14% B-C:13% B-D:6% C-D:8%
A. A-B-C-D
B. A-C-D-B
C. B-A-C-D
D. B-C-D-A
E. C-A-B-D
10. Whether an allele is dominant recessive depends on
A. how common the allele is, relative to other allele
B. whether it is inherited from the mother or the father
C. which chromosome it is localized to
D. whether it or another allele determinaes the phenotype when both are present
E. whether or not it is mutant
11. What is the function of telomerase in DNA replication?
A. to open the DNA helix
B. to make RNA primes
C. to remove RNA primes
D. to join Okazaki fragments
E. to elongate the 3'ends of the old template DNA
12. When E. colo cells are grown in milk, which is rich in lactose and protein
(all kinds of amino acids), which of the followings will happen?
A. the lac repressor is inactive
B. the trp repressor is active
C. the lac operon is turned on
D. the trp operon is turned on
E. the lac operon is bound by th lac repressor
III. Simple assay question. (24pts)
1. Human male with Klinefelter syndrome has XXY for his sex chromosome
composition. There is an X-liked gene, A, which has three different alleles
: A1, A2, and A3. The genotype of a Klinefelter syndrome patient is A1A3Y.
His mother's genotype is A1A3 and his father's genotype is A2Y. The extra
chromosome (X or Y) was resulted from a single nondisjunction event during
meiosis in one of the parents of the affected son. Please indicated the
parent (father or mother) and the stage (meiosis I or meiosis II) at which
the nondisjunction occurred? (6%)
2. If the coding strand of a gane contains a sequence of 5'ATCGCGCTC3', what
is the corresponding sequence (5' to 3') in the mRNA transcribed frome this
region? (5%)
3. If an organism has the diploid number (2n)=4, please draw the illustration
for chromosomes alignment at the metaphase plate of (1)mitosis, (2)meiosis I
, (3)meiosis II, respectively. Use diffrent chromosome sizes or colors to
distinguish between non-homologous chromosomes. (9pts)
III.(1)mother, meiosis I