unmolk (UJ)
2019-12-11 07:49:36課程名稱︰企業管理
試題 :
1) Whereas ____ is concerned with the means if getting things done, ____ is
concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.
A) effectiveness 效能; efficiency 效率
B) efficiency 效率; effectiveness 效能
C) effort 努力; efficiency 效率
D) efficiency 效率; experience 經驗
2) Connie has an idea for a new product she would like to produce and market.
Mintzberg would consider the activities necessary to form and launch her comp-
any to be part of the ____ role.
A) planning 規劃
B) resource allocator 資源分派者
C) negotiator 協商者
D) entrepreneur 企業家
3) 下列哪一格不在費堯的十四個管理原則裡?
A) 「個人利益小於團體利益」原則 (subordination of individual interest to the
common good)
B) 「集權化」原則 (centralization)
C) 「矩陣組織」原則 (matrix organization)
D) 「統一指揮」原則 (unity of command)
4) Harley Davidson makes motocycles but in its retail stores it also sells cl-
othing , motocycle accessories, jewelry, and many related products carrying
the Harley trademarks made by other companies. Harley Davidson is engaging in
A) global sourcing 全球採購
B) exporting 出口
C) franchising 加盟連鎖
D) licensing 授權
5) The process of applying social and environmental criteria to an investment
decision is known as ____.
A) green screening 綠色篩擇
B) value-based selection 附加價值篩選
C) violation of profit maximization 違反利潤最大化
D) social screening 社會篩擇
6) The ____ view of management is consistent with the stereotypical picture of
the take-charge business executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying
out the organization's business.
A) omnipotent 全能性觀點
B) impotent無能力觀點
C) omniscient 全知性觀點
D) symbolic 象徵性觀點
7) The major value-creating capabilities of the organization are known as its
A) strengths 優勢
B) competitive advantages 競爭優勢
C) core competencies 核心能力
D) resources 資源
8) An organization that grows using ____ focuses on its primary line of busin-
ess and increases the number of products offered or markets served in this pr-
imary busines.
A) diversification 多角化成長
B) horizontal integration 水平整合
C) vertical integration 垂直整合
D) concentration 專注核心
9) Developing a new automobile requires the services of many types if experts
such as design and electronics engineers, procurers, metallurgists-the list is
extensive, Rather than employ these individual directly, the automaker will
outsource the work. The specialists then work at facilities owned by the auto-
maker rather than at their own employer's places. This demonstrates a type of
A) matrix organization 矩陣式組織
B) team structure 團隊結構
C) project structure 專案結構
D) boundaryless organization 無疆界結構
10) A written statement that explains the job content, environment, and condi-
tion of employment is called a ____.
A) job specification 工作規範書
B) job preview 工作預覽
C) job manual 工作手冊
D) job description 工作說明書
11) The ____ method utilizes feedback from supervisors, employees, and cowork-
A) multiperson comparison 多人比較
B) 360-degree appraisal 360度評估回饋
C) cirtical incident 重要事件法
D) graphic rating scale 評等尺度
12) A ____ system rewards employees for the job competencies they demonstrate.
A) piece-rate pay 按件計酬
B) skill-vased pay 技術基礎薪酬
C) variable pay 變動薪酬
D) performance-based pay 績效表現計酬
13) ____ is the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more
favorable to the receiver.
A) Framing 構框
B) Encoding 編碼
C) Screening 篩擇
D) Filtering 過濾
14) Organizational communication that is not defined by the organization's
structural hierarchy known as ____ communication.
A) external 外部溝通
B) passive 被動溝通
C) informal 非正式溝通
D) controlled 受控溝通
15) ____ theory explains how we judge people differently depending on what me-
aning we ascribe to a given behavior.
A) Perception 知覺
B) Behavior 行為
C) Attribution 歸因
D) Stereotyping 刻板印象
簡答題:名詞解釋 每題五分
1. Scientific Management 科學管理學派
2. Bounded Rationality 受限理性
3. Glass Ceiling 玻璃天花板
4. Idea Champion 創想鬥士
5. First-mover Advantage 先行者優勢
6. Aceeptance Theory of Authority 職權接受理論
7. Job Satisfaction 工作滿意度
1. 組織文化的本質包含七大構面,請依您自己的感受描述台大管理學院的文化特性。
2. 請描述大五人格模型 Big Five model,並試著利用此模型描述你所屬的小組成員在各