試題 :
Complex Analysis
January 14, 2021
Total points: 115
Note. 1) Your arguments and calculation details must be clear and complete;
the auxiliary theorems needed for any claim of your results must be explicitly
indicated. Failing to do so may result in loss of partial or full points.
1. (20 points) Let Ω ⊂ C be an open subset and a sequence of functions
fn ∈ Hol(Ω) be given. Suppose that fn converges uniformly to f ≠ 0
(不恆等於零) on every compact subset of Ω. Assume that fn(z) ≠ 0 for all
z ∈ Ω and n ∈ N. Prove that f(z) ≠ 0 for any z∈Ω.
2. (20 points) Suppose that f is analytic on the open unit disk and continuous
on the closed unit disk. Assume that f = 0 on an arc of the circle |z| = 1.
Show that f(z) ≡ 0. (Hint: Schwarz reflection principle and identity theor-
∞ j
3. Let a sequnence of functions fk(z) = Σ a(k) z in the form of convergent
j=0 j
power series be given on D := {|z| < 3/2}. Assume that fk uniformly
converges on D. i) (20 points) Given any ε > 0, there exist an N = N(ε)∈N
such that for all m,n > N, | a(m)_j - a(n)_j | < ε holds for all j = 0,1,2,
... .(Hint: Cauchy integral formula). ii) (5 points) Prove or disprove a
similar statement about | ja(m)_j - ja(n)_j | instead of
| a(m)_j - a(n)_j |.
4. (20 points) Set the lattice L = { m+in | m,n∈Z}. Construct, with proof,
an entire holomophic function f(z) such that f(z) has simple zeros precisely
at the points of L. (Hint: Σ