jianba (Jian)
2021-06-24 23:38:33課程名稱︰發展心理學
試題 :
1.Online, open book.
2.Select 2 out of 4 essay questions.
3.50 points per question (e.g. 5 points X 10 statements).
4.Points given only for connecting course material to answers
(and it has to make sense!).
5.NO points for merely writing down course content.
【Essay questions】
1. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many students around the world have
experienced remote learning for more than a year. Discuss how adolescents
may have been impacted by this, specifically the pros and cons of remote
2. In the current digital age, children and adolescents have increasing
access to a cellphone and the social network. Name 10 statements
containing at least five aspects of child or adolescent development that
might be affected by Instagram use.
3. According to ethological theories of human development, how children
develop over time may be influenced by a specific time in history.
What kind of education do you think is the best fit for the current
generation in your country?
4. A recent survey shows that elementary school-aged children in Taiwan
reported low life satisfaction due to heavy homework load.
What factors do you think might explain why the amount of homework
might affect life satisfaction?