※ [本文轉錄自 b05902xxx 看板 #1OvaHOBL ]
作者: dyadi (′‧ω‧‵) 看板: b05902xxx
標題: [爆卦] PTT創世神來惹
時間: Thu Apr 6 21:36:21 2017
仔細一看 這不是PTT創辦人 人稱PTT創世神的 杜奕瑾 Ethan Tu 嗎
而且日期就在明天 明天啊!!!
各位PTT鄉民們 還不快去朝聖
===== 以下轉自 https://goo.gl/pV8lGe =====
[2017-04-07] Mr. Ethan Tu, Taiwan AILAB, "Catching the AI"
Title: Catching the AI
Date: 2017-04-07 2:20pm-3:30pm
Location: R103, CSIE
Speaker: Mr. Ethan Tu, Taiwan AILAB
Hosted by: Prof. Chia-Ling Yang
In this presentation, I am going to introduce how we started up PTT and how
the interesting decisions continue impacted my later career path for NIH and
Microsoft including the story of Cortana AI team in Microsoft.I will talk
about my vision of AI trend, and the momentums driving me to set up
world-class AILAB in Taiwan.
Ethan Tu is a founder of PTT in 1995. He cofounded yam.com in 1998. In 2003
he got Senior Program Lead position at Human Genome Institute, NIH (美國國家衛
生研究院). Ethan joined Microsoft in 2006 and became Senior Research Developer
in Internet Service Research Center MSR Redmond. Later on Ethan became
founding Dev Manager (首席研發總監) for Microsoft Cortana (微軟小娜) at
Microsoft AI and Research group (微軟人工智慧與研究團隊). Ethan came back to
Taiwan and started up Taiwan AILAB (台灣人工智慧實驗室) in Feb 2017.