Re: [EU4 ] EU4-->VIC2 轉檔流程(已更正)

作者: Cocochia (我是閃電經濟學家)   2015-05-06 11:31:10
1. Download the converter and unzip it wherever.
2. Copy your EU4 save into the converter directory.
3. Edit configuration.txt to point at your game installs, and to set any options you care about. 4. Drag and drop your save onto EU4toV2Converter.exe
5. Go into the output folder.
6. Copy the folder named after your save and the corresponding mod file into your V2 mod folder (the one in the game's install location, not the one in My Documents).
7. Start Victoria 2, and select the mod.
This version of the converter will work with AoW saves. Armies (but not navies) are converted. And PTSnoop has done a bunch more work with flags (including conversion of colonial flags). You can expect some weird warnings while converting. Some of those are from EU4 bugs (which have been reported). Some of them are related to converting armies. Also, I want to give a special thanks to niallmcfc, Mattabesta, and plnp123, who did an extreme amount of work updating data files for this release.
Also, remember that your best best for support is to go to the forum thread (where plenty of people will be eager to help). If you don't have forum access, a new post will probably bring people to help you.
Better flags
Colonial flag generation
Support for AoW (1.8)
Navies not converted
Minority pops (such as Ashkenazi) not converted
Loads of balancing to be done
How you can help
There are a few areas where we still need help. If you'd like to help, you can:
Review province mappings
Add 'reset' data to province mappings
Review culture mappings
Update idea effects
Aid with programming
If you'd like to help, feel free to ask for details on how.
Q: I got an error that mentions MSVCP120.dll. What do I do?
A :
Go to the Visual Studio Redistributable page:
then click Download and select vcredist_x86.exe.
Once it has downloaded, install it and run the converter again.
Q: I have an ironman save. Can it be converted?
A: Well in fact you can transform an ironman save into a normal save. I have already tried it.
1. Locate your ironman save on your computer. If it's on the cloud, there is a copy there : ..\Steam\userdata\your account\236850\remote\save games
2. Copy it on the "local" save game directory and edit the copy with a software (notepad++ may be very usefull)
3. On the first line you will found the three letters of the tag of your nation (BYZ for exemple)
4. Replace it with another : (FRA because the BBB is always around hehe)
5. Load the savegame. You will play like france (strange ?)
6. Save it, change again the nation on the new save
7. TADAM ! It's no more ironman but a regular save
Thanks to Helkoi for the technique!

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