A disclosure made 1 year or less before the effective filing date of a claimed
invention shall not be prior art to the claimed invention under subsection
(a)(1) if the disclosure was made by the inventor or joint inventor or by
another who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from
the inventor or a joint inventor。
※ 引述《lili ()》之銘言:
: 假設A、B、C三案發明人完全相同,
: 若B、C的申請日(有優先權者指優先權日,以下皆同)是在A申請日起一年之內,
: 根據現行35 USC 102(b)(1)(A),A案不會成為B、C的前案,
: 故不得用A來評價B或C的進步性。
: 假設B、C的發明人和A不完全相同,
: 根據現行35 USC 102(a)(2),
: A可作為B或C的現有技術,而用以評價B或C的進步性。
: 然而,若是在B或C的申請日以前,B(或C)和A屬於同一人所有或有義務應轉讓予同一人,
: 則根據35 USC 102(b)(2)(C)的例外規定,A不屬於B或C的現有技術。