IAAF to Investigate Nike's ZoomX Vaporfly Following Multiple Broken Records Professional runners claim the shoes provide an unfair advantage. The IAAF recently issued a statement to The Times acknowledging the issue. “Recent advances in technology mean that the concept of ‘assistance’ to athletes… has been the subject of much debate in the athletics world,” said the statement. “The IAAF has established a working group to consider the issues.” 國際田徑總會開始調查Nike's ZoomX Vaporfly是否給穿著的運動員不公平的優勢 心得: 就跟以前在游泳時穿鯊魚裝可以減低阻力給與運動員優勢, 之後就被禁止的起手式一樣 不知道會不會對未來專業長跑選手的比賽有額外規定呢 覺得Nike一件靠著鞋子的設計可以形成調查很厲害 新聞連結:https://bit.ly/33Ou8nx