pgg (プロレタリアートの夜明)
2016-01-20 03:01:29偶然逛到Matrix Games的網站看到一個新的日本戰國遊戲:
縮網址: http://goo.gl/FRKTis
稍微看了一下簡介, 遊戲本身是用同一家公司之前的遊戲
Pike and Shot http://goo.gl/LAfHGg 的引擎制作的,
重點是據說會有征朝之役啊~~~至於會不會之後被河蟹, 就讓我們繼續關注吧
Sixteenth century East Asia is in turmoil. In Japan, the ruling Shogun family
has lost its grip on the country. A civil war is brewing as regional lords
actively expand their influence. In Korea, the Joseon dynasty is paralysed by
factional struggle within the royal court. In China, the might of the Ming
dynasty is waning due to rebellions and foreign incursions. These seemingly
separate internal conflicts will pave the way for an international war
involving the three countries.
Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun is a turn-based tactical and strategic
game set during this turbulent time; primarily focusing on the Japanese
Warring States period and Japanese Invasion of Korea. Other armies from East
Asia are also made available to simulate different conflicts across the
Take command of diverse armies which employ varying tactical doctrines. Lead
your chosen army and their generals to victory in set-piece historical
battles or "what-if" skirmish situations against an AI or human opponent.
Become more ambitious and achieve regional domination through the operational
campaign layer where you have to deal with the consequence of preceding
To become the Japanese Shogun, to overthrow the Emperor of the Middle
Kingdom, or to establish a Pan-Asian Empire, one requires mastery of the
battlefield. In this time of turmoil, Asia is yours for the taking!
Accurate simulation of East Asian battle in the 16th and 17th centuries,
particularly the Sengoku Jidai (Japanese Warring States period) and Imjin War
(Japanese invasion of Korea and Chinese intervention).
Unique graphic style influenced by Japanese paintings.
Historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period
Campaign mode allows you to rewrite history as you play through key campaigns
of the era. Terrain, manpower, supply, attrition, sieges and economic damage
all need to be taken into account. The decisions you make on the strategic
map will affect the forces available to you in battle. The results of each
battle will have long-term effects on the strength, experience and elan of
your units.
Classic Turn-based, tile based gameplay.
Battalion-sized units.
Named generals who can influence combat and morale of units under their
command as well as engage enemy generals in personal combat.
Skirmish system allows unlimited “what-if” scenarios using historically
realistic armies from carefully researched army lists, on realistic computer
generated terrain maps. Armies covered include numerous Japanese clans, Ikko
Ikki, Wokou Pirates, Joseon Korean, Ming Chinese, Chinese and Tribal rebels,
Eastern and Western Mongols, Jurchen and Imperial Manchu (Qing Chinese)
armies. Each faction has multiple lists covering the development of their
armies through the 16th and 17th centuries.