※ 引述《dosandonts (米粉般的女人一無所有)》之銘言:
: To make the shipping processes and book the cargo space.
: (2)Operator at AAA Hotel.(5-star Hotel)
: To put through the phone calls directly to the exact department and the room
: guests and also get the know-how about the Opera system for keying in the
: booking info.
: I believe that I can do my best for your company and make mutual progresses
: for your business.
小弟外商打滾五年(前幾年在土商) 待過多間外商 也是業務性質
1. 濃縮在一面A4
2. 分段 從最近的經歷倒寫回學歷 (家庭背景不需要)
3. 依應徵的公司性質/產業 客製化每一份履歷(強調出妳適合該職缺的特色)
4. 量化而不是質化 (列出妳在前份工作作了多少銷售額 成長了多少%...等等)
5. 特殊技能/證照放一個欄位 - 比如說2014年亞洲區最佳銷售啦,多益980之類的
大致方向是這樣 讓整份履歷看起來是完全客觀事實