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# 何謂「對職涯的幫助」
* 相對客觀/量化的指標:薪資、職等 (掌管的預算)
* 相對主觀/質化的指標:物理/心靈生活品質 (安全感、壓力/焦慮、等等)
# (階級) 流動性 ( mobility )
* contest 競爭,靠能力/成果/貢獻向上爬;相對更有可能 只 靠自己的努力翻身
* sponsored 贊助,靠來自有資源的人的賞識向上爬;相對更難 只 靠自己的努力
# 對職涯成功的預測指標
* 人力資本 human capital
* 工作時數 hours worked
* 職人心態 work centrality
* (在特定職位上的) 年資 job tenure
* (在特定組織中的) 年資 organization tenure
* 工作經驗 work experience
* 改變環境的意願 willingness to transfer
* 國際經驗 international experience
* 教育程度 education level
* 職涯規劃 career planning
* 政治手腕 political knowledge & skills
* 人脈 social capital
* 組織贊助 organizational sponsorship
* 背書 career sponsorship
* 主管支援 supervisor support
* 職訓機會 training & skill development opportunities
* 組織文化/資源 organizational resources
* 出身階層 socio-demographics
* 性別 gender
* 種族 race
* 婚姻狀態 marital status
* 年齡 age
* 個人特質 stable individual differences
* 情緒不穩定性 neuroticism
* 嚴謹自律性 conscientiousness
* 外向性 extroversion
* 和善性 agreeableness
* 開放性 openness to experience
* 主動性 proactivity
* 內外控傾向 locus of control
* 認知功能 cognitive ability
# 對 薪資 的相關性 ( correlation )
.29 political knowledge & skills
.29 education level
.27 work experience
.27 cognitive ability
.26 age
.24 training & skill development opportunities
.24 hours worked
.22 career sponsorship
.20 organization tenure
.18 gender
.17 social capital
.16 marital status
.12 work centrality
.11 willingness to transfer
.11 race
.11 proactivity
.11 international experience
.11 career planning
.10 extroversion
.07 organizational resources
.07 job tenure
.07 conscientiousness
.06 locus of control
.05 supervisor support
.04 openness to experience
-.10 agreeableness
-.12 neuroticism
# 對 昇職 ( promotion ) 的相關性
.23 Training & skill development opportunities
.18 Extroversion
.16 Proactivity
.15 Social capital
.13 Hours worked
.12 International experience
.12 Career sponsorship
.09 Marital status
.08 Gender
.07 Political knowledge & skills
.06 Work experience
.06 Organizational resources
.06 Conscientiousness
.05 Education level
.04 Work centrality
.03 Willingness to transfer
.03 Organization tenure
.02 Supervisor support
.02 Age
.01 Race
.01 Openness to experience
-.02 Job tenure
-.03 Locus of control
-.05 Agreeableness
-.11 Neuroticism
# 對 職涯滿意度 ( career satisfaction ) 的相關性
.47 Locus of control
.46 Supervisor support
.44 Career sponsorship
.38 Training & skill development opportunities
.38 Proactivity
.33 Career planning
.28 Social capital
.27 Extroversion
.22 Work centrality
.14 Conscientiousness
.13 Hours worked
.12 Openness to experience
.11 Agreeableness
.06 Marital status
.05 Political knowledge & skills
.03 Race
.03 International experience
.03 Education level
.02 Organization tenure
.01 Gender
.00 Work experience
.00 Age
-.02 Job tenure
-.02 Organizational resources
-.06 Willingness to transfer
-.36 Neuroticism
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