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Vault 3 三號避難所(Fallout: New Vegas)
Vault 3 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults in the Mojave Wasteland. Except for
some flooding in the lower levels, the vault is still mainly intact in 2281
and is now occupied by the Fiends, who killed the vault's original residents.
Background 背景
Vault 3 is one of three vaults in the Mojave with human inhabitants, the
others being Vault 21 and Vault 19. This vault was one of the few control
vaults that had no experiment connected with it, and it functioned almost
exactly to the residents' expectations. Control vaults were designed to open
after 20 years, but the residents of Vault 3 decided to keep it sealed far
longer, out of concern for the possible dangers they might face outside the
vault. All was going well until an accidental water leak occurred, forcing
the residents to open the vault to find help. The original Vault 3
inhabitants opened their doors and began to trade with people outside the
vault. For a time, it went well and the inhabitants made a good living.
However, this also brought the vault to the attention of the Fiends. The
inhabitants hadn't set up any security, so the Fiends found little difficulty
in raiding and taking the vault.
In many ways, Vault 3 was the ideal post-apocalyptic community that had all
too often evaded Vault-Tec's many experiments. The vault’s isolation didn’t
affect the residents. They maintained an orderly, democratic society, and,
unlike other vaults (Vault 101 in particular), the overseer wasn't a dictator
or a megalomaniac. Once again though, as with so many other Vault-Tec
designs, the water pipes failed, and by necessity the community was forced
into contact with the Mojave's savage population which was ultimately their
Vault 6 六號避難所(Fallout Extreme)
Vault 6 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults, located under Mount St. Helens.
Background 背景
The original purpose of this Washington state vault in the vault experiment
was that it allowed small doses of radiation to be released into the vault
once a day, resulting in the population turning into an aggressive pack of
extremely irradiated feral ghouls.
Vault 8 八號避難所(Fallout 2)
A Vault-Tec nuclear shelter, Vault 8 was a control vault located in western
Nevada. It was designed to re-colonize the surface after 10 years.
Background 背景
Vault 8 was designed to house a thousand or so dwellers. It opened as
intended after receiving the all-clear signal, and its residents emerged to
begin rebuilding civilization. Vault City was the result. Years after its
residents emerged, the shelter was used primarily as a medical center (quite
possibly the best one in the Wasteland, outside of the Enclave or the BoS)
for citizens, a power source (although the nuclear power plant cannot sustain
a large settlement indefinitely), an information hub (Central Computer and
its servers) and a storage space for ore and other supplies essential to the
well being of the city.
Inhabitants of the city rarely (if ever) venture into the lower levels.
Servants are tasked with keeping the vault clean, but they are unable to
prevent deterioration - most of the vault doors are stuck and cannot be
opened, while foreign items rattle in the air ducts. There is only one
permanent inhabitant on the lower levels - Martin, who is a stuttering loner
tasked with looking after the equipment in the Command Center.
Vault 12 12號避難所(Fallout)
A Vault-Tec nuclear shelter, Vault 12 was located under the city of
Bakersfield, California, and designed to house a thousand people. Its goal
was to study the effects of radiation on the selected population by not
closing the door. This resulted in the ghoul-town of Necropolis.
Background 背景
Constructed under the sprawling metropolis of Bakersfield, Vault 12 was
billed as "built with every amenity in mind for the prospective Vault
Dweller," and that it had "been fitted with the newest in Vault Water
Purification Systems. Able to take even the waste located in the sewers of
Bakersfield, this system is able to deliver over 15,000 gallons of pure,
refreshing drinking water every day." Those who signed on for this particular
Vault took their preparedness very seriously, earning the "Pressed Vault
Suit" award for their efforts. The Vault's true purpose, however, was to
study the effects of radiation on the residents. To ensure this, Vault-Tec
designed the Vault door not to close.
到了「Pressed Vault Suit」獎。不過這個避難所的真正目的是要測試輻射對居民的效果
On October 23, 2077, the populace of Bakersfield learned that the other
Vaults had been sealed. In desperation, they took to their local shelter,
forcing their way in to protect themselves and their families. The door
worked as designed: the radiation flooded in; those whom survived suffered
from ghoulifcation. In the summer of 2083, the survivors would leave the
shelter. Those that chose to stay founded the city of Necropolis.
By the spring of 2084, Set took control of Necropolis, wresting control from
the original Overseer. He, not wanting to be killed, was driven north and
lost to history. For the next seventy three years, Set would lead the city
unmolested from outside parties. Instead, internal political strife caused
some to leave, while a much more peaceful group was forced to take shelter
underground. Despite Set's disgust for the group, he reluctantly sent them
whatever water they needed, fearful that he wouldn't have enough people to
defend the city if it ever needed to be.