Fw: [新聞] CS製作人Jess Cliffe因性剝削兒童被捕

作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2018-02-02 15:26:48
Counter-Strike Co-Creator Arrested For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child
Seattle police arrested Counter-Strike co-creator Jess Cliffe, 36, early this
morning for sexual exploitation of a child. Police have not yet commented
further on the case.
The arrest record shows that Cliffe, who has been an employee of Valve since
2003, was booked at 1:17am Pacific Time this morning. He was denied bail,
according to the record. Seattle’s local KIRO 7 news reports that he has not
been charged with a crime.
Cliffe created Counter-Strike alongside designer Minh Le in 1999 as a mod to
the critically acclaimed shooter Half-Life. Valve later obtained the rights
to Counter-Strike, and it has been one of the most popular multiplayer games
in the world for nearly two decades.
UPDATE (9:47pm): Valve says it has suspended Cliffe, telling Kotaku: “We are
still learning details of what actually happened. Reports suggest he has been
arrested for a felony offense. As such we have suspended his employment until
we know more.”
CS的製作人之一的 Jess Cliffe (36歲) 今天一早因性剝削兒童而被西雅圖警方逮捕。警
Cliffe 自2003年起一直都是 Valve 的員工,逮捕紀錄顯示 Cliffe 是在今天一早太平洋
時間 1:17 am 被逮捕,目前被拒絕保釋。西雅圖當地的媒體 KIRO 7 報導指出他目前
Cliffe 在1999年時和 Mihn Le 一起製作了 Counter-Strike 這遊戲,其為 Half-Life 的
MOD。 Valve在之後就取得了CS的版權,而它也在之後近二十年來成為最受歡迎的多人線上
Valve表示己經將 Cliffe 停職,同時向 Kotaku (本新聞媒體) 表示:我們還在了解實際
作者: Beinlie (小小隻身)   2018-02-02 15:46:00
作者: TotalBiscuit (CynicalBrit)   2018-02-02 15:49:00
取保候審是中國用語,台灣叫交保候審。而且原文是He was denied bail。申請保釋被拒絕了
作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2018-02-02 15:50:00
呃...意思不是一樣嗎? 我不懂法律用語是用google的哦 我懂那不一樣了
作者: tkigood (提谷德)   2018-02-02 15:59:00
作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2018-02-02 16:02:00
作者: johnny155220 (肥雪)   2018-02-02 16:02:00
作者: dchain (BlackScreen2099)   2018-02-02 16:12:00
"想要loot box嗎? 抽SKIN致富喔"
作者: Porops (豬排)   2018-02-02 16:39:00
作者: illegalmad (illegalmad)   2018-02-02 16:39:00
兒童性剝削算是兒童性交易去汙名化的說法啦,因為兒童本身沒有足夠判斷能力且往往是被操控的一方所以用「剝削」的概念,避免大人把責任反推給發生性關係的兒童ex 變態大叔用50元騙小孩xx,事後還說都是彼此同意之類的鬼話
作者: exporn (fuxkme)   2018-02-02 16:49:00
作者: Risedo (進 化)   2018-02-02 16:59:00
歐美小孩都是未來主人翁 會判很重亞洲小孩都__
作者: fansue (蕃薯)   2018-02-02 17:05:00
作者: justastupid (= =)   2018-02-02 18:42:00
couter-terrorist win
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作者: NoyVaughty (吃貨)   2018-02-02 21:42:00
作者: MEVIUS (七星)   2018-02-02 22:20:00
性侵就性侵 性剝削? 笑死
作者: nok1126 (Nok)   2018-02-02 22:26:00
讓你看看我的Dragon Lore
作者: kuninaka   2018-02-03 00:03:00
作者: graffitiblue (blue)   2018-02-03 00:25:00
叔叔這裡有些skin很貴的 想要嗎
作者: juiclykiller (松山鬼見愁㊣抖M抖M)   2018-02-03 02:30:00
作者: wizardfizban (瘋法師)   2018-02-03 08:57:00
Sexual Exploitation 就是性剝削的意思呀.....
作者: butten986 (白色的惡魔)   2018-02-03 17:24:00
作者: qmaper (~卡片~)   2018-02-04 19:34:00
說性交易會有種你情我願的感覺 實際是地位不對等 所以剝削

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