javatea (齁齁)
2013-11-21 10:31:37MIT教授沒那麼簡單 好嗎...
英文看起來有比較高級嗎? 有幾個人是真的看過這到底是寫什麼?
今天問你49個號碼選6個號碼開獎 (中獎定義:3個以上相同球)
把問題簡化成 6個號碼開2個號碼開獎 (中獎定義:1個以上相同球)
ex:把所有中獎機率算出來 得到一個機率, 就可以算期望值了
面試遇到問題很複雜數字很大 別一開始就被嚇到
試著去拆問題 簡化問題
※ 引述《maplefog (楓霧)》之銘言:
: : (2)大樂透的規則是 49 個號碼當中,取 6 個號碼開獎;只要彩券有 3 個以上的號碼與
: : 開獎結果相同,就是中獎。依此規則請問:
: : a. 最少需買幾張才可以保證中一張?
: : b. 概述如何以程式驗證 a.的答案。
: 其實如果能解出這題的話,可以去MIT當數學教授,
: 真正的解答還沒有人解出來,
: 有找到一篇文章,
: 目前找到的上界為163張,解法如下:
: 參考請google:Betting Wheels, Lotteries & Lotto Designs
: We can get an upper bound by noticing the construction that gives:
: L(49,6,6,3) <= L(22,6,3,3) + L(27,6,4,3) <= 77+86 = 163.
: Proof: Take any p=6-set out of the 49 elements. Either there are at least 3
: elements from the 22 elements and we have one of the 77 blocks intersecting
: the 6-set in at least three elements or there are at least 4 elements from
: the 27 elements and there is a block intersecting the 6-set in at least 3
: elements.
: Now LD(22,6,3,3;77) is a well-known combinatorial design and you could not
: get a better lotto design.
: Whereas LD(27,6,4,3;86) was found by a computer program using a simulated
: annealing algorithm. It can probably be improved.
: But even if LD(27,6,4,3;86) was the best you could do, there may be better
: ways to split the 49 elements or better different constructions.
: 所以原PO被洗臉別太難過,因為主管連自己也不知道答案