Re: [翻譯] 即時通大戰 Chat Wars(上篇)

作者: AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器)   2014-04-27 12:26:45
: 在30年前,一個賣50美金的軟體,所需要投入的人力,遠比我們今天要賣50塊錢
: 的其他東西都來得少
: **(這段我懷疑我有翻譯錯誤,原文是The amount of person-hours that goes
: into a $50 piece of software today dwarfs that of a $50 item of software
: thirty years ago. )**
A dwarfs B.
-> A > B
The amount of person-hours that goes into a $50 piece of software today
dwarfs that of a $50 item of software thirty years ago.
A dwarfs B.
-> A > B
-> B < A
是故,翻譯無誤 :)
: (作者對這段的附註,往後再翻。簡單的說,他認為XBox算是一個對MS來講很少見
: ,開拓新市場的嘗試)
: Of note is the single major product success of late Microsoft: the Xbox
: gaming console. While the Xbox has yet to turn more than a tiny overall
: profit since its introduction in 2001, it has established itself as a
: stalwart of the gaming world. This could occur for two reasons: first,
: unlike anything having to do with the internet, it was completely isolated
: from the Windows and Office empires, and so did not run afoul of those
: groups; and second, there were clear, existing, profitable models to
: copy—Nintendo’s and Sony’s—and Microsoft was willing to lose billions
: of dollars in re-creating that model. For the last time, they caught up
: to their competitors in short order and equaled them, at the cost of
: turning no profit themselves.
值得一提的是微軟後期的一項主要成功產品: 凶盒
1. 不像其他與網際網路有關的產品,凶盒完全與 Windows 及 Office 帝國無關,
所以凶盒沒有與 Windows 及 Office 團隊起衝突、內鬥
2. 已經有明確的既存獲利模式可供複製 (任天堂與大學士索尼),且微軟願意花費
作者: Killercat (殺人貓™)   2014-04-27 13:16:00
感謝 XD
作者: AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器)   2014-04-27 23:48:00
作者: tiefblau (tiefblau)   2014-04-29 00:02:00
作者: AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器)   2014-04-29 03:11:00
你要翻成 叉箱 我也不反對 :D
作者: Killercat (殺人貓™)   2014-04-30 06:53:00
其實正確寫法是「凶」盒 XD 這是少數凶兇不能混用的例子
作者: AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器)   2014-04-30 10:35:00
兇底下多出來的儿…就當作兩隻有線手把吧 XD
作者: PsMonkey (痞子軍團團長)   2014-04-30 13:40:00

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