JinSha ( )
2013-11-17 20:22:308.3 局部加權回歸
8.3 Locally Weighted Regression
The nearest-neighbor method described in the previous chapter can be seen as
a method of approximation to the target function f(x) at a single point x = xq.
Locally weighted regression is an extension of this method. It establishes
explicit approximation to target function f in a local area around xq. Locally
weighted regression achieves local approximation to f using neighboring or
distance-weighted training examples. For example, we can use linear functions,
quadratic functions, multi-layer neural networks, or other types of functions
to approximate the target function in the vicinity of xq. Regarding the name of
"locally weighted regression," why it is called locally is because that the
target function is approximated as to only the data surrounding the query
point; it is called "weighted" because the contribution of each training
example is weighted by its distance to the query point; it is called
"regression" because because this term is widely used in statistician circles
to formulate problems about approximation of real-valued functions.
給定一個新的查詢實例xq,局部加權回歸的一般方法是建立一個逼近f hat,使f hat擬合
環繞xq的鄰域內的訓練樣例。然後用這個逼近來計算f hat (xq)的值,也就是為查詢實例
估計的目標值輸出。然後f hat的描述被刪除,因為對於每一個獨立的查詢實例都會計算
For a given new query example xq, the general method of locally weighted
regression is to construct a f for approximation and fit the training examples
in the neighborhood around xq. Subsequently, compute the value of f using this
approximation; that is, estimate an output value for the training example. Then
the description of f is removed, because a local approximation for each query
example is computed independently.
8.3.1 局部加權線性回歸
8.3.1 Locally-Weighted Linear Regression
Below, we first consider one situation in locally-weighted regression, which is
the use of the following linear function to approximate the neighborhood of xq
in target function f:
f (x)=w0+w1a1(x)+...+wnan(x)
,它被用來找到使誤差最小化的係數w0 ... wn。在那一章中我們感興趣的是目標函數的
E = ....... (8.5)
As above, ai(x) denotes the ith attribute value of example x.
Remember the gradient descent method we discussed in chapter 4. When fitting
linear functions of the above form to a given training set, the method is used
to find coefficients w0 to wn that minimize the error. In that chapater, we
were interested in the global approximation of the target function. Thus, our
weighting method was derived by minimizing the sum of square errors on training
set D.
E = ....... (8.5)