HTC今年九月出產的FOCUS VISION虛擬實境頭盔這台設備
使用thinklink軟體編輯後的影片或相片,是否能在設備上呈現360度的投放效果呢?因為使用舊款有線的PC VR的Vive看起來會像是投影幕的效果,不確定focus vision 會不會也是這樣....
以下是Thinklink 系統相容性的原文,因為列舉的是Focus3 ,不確定呈現出來是否是360度效果,或是投影幕的播放形式。也不確定想購買的Vision 這台是否也可以....再請網路上各位大神解惑
Compatible headsets
ThingLink VR mode is built using WebXR technology. As a result, ThingLink should be compatible with all 3 DoF and 6 DoF VR headsets that are compatible with WebXR technology. You can check whether your headset is compatible with WebXR on this page ('Target hardware') or on the manufacturer’s website.
We’ve tested and confirmed ThingLink’s functionality on the following models:
HTC VIVE Focus 3. Note that you will need to install the Wolvic browser from VIVE Business