Tier 18 Class Trinkets
Archimonde drops class-specific trinkets with spec-specific procs.
Death Knight Trinket:
血:Death Coil deals 40% increased damage, and heals you for 40% of
damage dealt
(死纏增加40% 傷害值40%回復自身血量)
Druid Trinket:
野性:Increases the duration of Tiger's Fury and Berserk by 125%.
恢復:Your Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Genesis ticks have a 5% chance
to also heal other allies within 8 yds.
Hunter Trinket
獸:Bestial Wrath now lasts an additional 50 sec on your pet, and it
increases your pet's damage by an additional (25 +- 15)%
Mage Trinket:
奧:Arcane Power also increases the damage and reduces the cast time
and global cooldown of Arcane Blast by 40%.
Monk Trinket:
酒:When you drop below 55% health, you gain a charge of Elusive Brew.
Elusive Brew also increases damage dealt by 7%.
霧:Soothing Mist also heals allies around the target for 15% of the
primary target.
Paladin Trinket:
神:Healing with Holy Shock grants you Magnifying Light, increasing
the healing of your next Holy Light or Flash of Light within 6 sec
by 40%.
懲:Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous increase your damage
by 499.94% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 times. This effect is reset
if you Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous a different target.
(十字軍打擊或聖槌可以增傷X%10秒 可以疊三次轉目標會重置特效。)
Priest Trinket:
戒:Your Penance, Flash Heal, Heal, and Prayer of Healing also grant
Naaru's Discipline to allies, reducing damage taken by 6% for 10 sec.
神:While in Chakra: Sanctuary, Heal's cast time and mana cost are
increased by 45% and its healing is increased by 40%.
暗:Mind Flay damage applies Mental Fatigue to the target, increasing
damage taken from Mind spells by (300 / 100)% for 10 sec, stacking
up to 10 times.
Rogue Trinket:
刺:Envenom also increases the critical strike chance of Mutilate and
Dispatch by 30%.
戰:Your Eviscerate now hurls a blade at the target, with a 20 yard range,
and deals 60% additional damage.
敏:Increases the damage of Ambush and Garrote by 75%.
Shaman Trinket:
元:Increases the damage and duration of Flame Shock by 100%.
增:Your Windfury Attacks deal 400% increased damage, and have a 22%
chance to generate a Maelstrom Weapon stack.
恢:Casting Healing Surge, Chain Heal, or Healing Wave on a target with
your Riptide on it has a 50% chance to spread that Riptide to another
nearby ally.
Warlock Trinket:
痛:Reduces the duration and period of Agony, Unstable Affliction, and
Corruption by 15%.
惡:Hand of Gul'dan has a 30% chance to also summon 3 Wild Imps.
毀:Incinerate increases the critical strike chance of your spells against
that target by 3% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times.
Warrior Trinket:
防:Shield Block now also reduces magic damage taken by 20%.
Shield Barrier now also increases your Armor by 20%.
Shield Charge now increases Shield Slam, Revenge, and Heroic Strike
damage by an additional 20%.
作者: Sarvmill (奇怪耶你) 2015-04-14 15:20:00