1: Lancia only ever ran in red Martini livery once. Which event was it, during
which year?
蘭吉雅(Lancia)只有一次讓紅色的 Martini Livery 出賽過, 是哪一年的哪一站?
A: 1989年的義大利Sanremo站 ( http://ppt.cc/i3t5 RC車圖 )
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zut7riiT2vM 1號車就是!!)
2: Who are the only two people ever to have scored world championship points as
a driver and co-driver?
A: Jean-Claude Lefebvre(1976,1978年當"副駕駛"得分,1973~1981年當"駕駛"得分)
Fabrizia Pons(1978年當"駕駛"得分,1979~1998年當"副駕駛"得分)
3: Which sport would Nicky Grist have taken part in professionally had he not
become a successful co-driver?
Colin McRae 的前副駕駛 Nicky Grist 是因為他參與一項職業運動而無法成為成功的副駕
A: 高爾夫球, 他要轉變做副駕駛前是位發展中的職業球手
4: What was the last WRC event victory for a rear-wheel drive car, and who was
A: Didier Auriol, 1988年在法國Tour de Corse
( 他駕駛的是 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth )
5: Who was the very first driver ever to be appointed a Red Bull athlete?
A: Gerhard Berger (跟WRC有點離題...)
6: P-G Andersson’s son was born on the back seat of a car as he raced to
hospital. But which make of car was it?
Per-Gunnar Andersson 的兒子在哪輛疾駛到醫院的車後座出生?
A: BMW 3 Series
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15526820 新聞在此!!
7: Which major film star used to be Francois Delecour’s neighbour?
哪位電影明星是 Francois Delecour 的鄰居?
A: 強尼戴普(Johnny Depp)
8: Where and when did Sebastien Loeb drive a Ford Focus WRC in competition?
Sebastien Loeb 在何時何地駕駛 Ford Focus WRC 出賽過?
A: 2008年賽車之王 (Race of Champions) in 溫布利大球場 (Wembley Stadium)
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMJwYUO0wSU 其中一段影片 )
9: Before Kimi Raikkonen, who was the last active Formula One driver to take
part in a WRC event?
在 Kimi Raikkonen 來跑WRC之前, 誰是最後一位來跑WRC的F1車手?
A: 英國車手 Derek Warwick,在1990年F1賽季後的英國 RAC Rally
駕駛Subaru Legacy出賽
10: What is Mikko Hirvonen’s favourite post-rally meal?
Mikko Hirvonen 比賽後喜歡吃的食物?
A: McDonalds, 大麥克跟薯條 ( http://ppt.cc/1a~H 出自他的專訪 )
11: Which was the first rally car to feature a fully automatic gearbox?
A: 1978年的 Mercedes 450 SLC
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdvE34PQMWk 相關影片 )
12: Who was the oldest driver to take part in a WRC event at the wheel of a
factory World Rally Car - and on which event?
A: Stig Blomqvist 在"55歲"時駕駛 Skoda Octavia WRC 在2002年瑞典及希臘站出賽
( google [Stig Blomqvist "2002" Skoda] #16那輛車就是)
13: How high up the RAC Rally classification did Formula One champion Jim Clark
get before he was forced to retire his Lotus Cortina?
Jim Clark 駕駛 Lotus Cortina 在1966年英國 RAC Rally 退賽前的最高名次?
A: 在賽事進行到一半時排名有到第六過, 不過下一個stage就出軌退賽了 = =
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5bxYaNW0Eo 當年初時有去Fuji測試替LotusF1宣傳)
14: Which rally contained a stage that ran through a prison yard?
A: 義大利Rally d'Italia-Sardegna (Onani賽段有經過 Marmone 監獄)
15: “There is no such thing as pressure; only excitement.” Which leading
co-driver said that?
"這沒有如壓力般的事;只有興奮" 這是哪位副駕駛說的話?
A: Mikko Hirvonen 的副駕駛 Jarmo Lehtinen
16: Which top driver is strictly teetotal?
A: Jari-Matti Latvala
17: Who was the last driver to win a WRC stage outright in a Group N car - and
what was the car?
最後一位駕駛量產改裝車(Group N)組贏過stage的人是?
A: Hermann Gassner Senior 駕駛Proton Pert於 2001 Monte Carlo 贏過SS2!!
18: What do Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Sebastien Loeb, Jean-Claude Andruet, Rauno
Aaltonen, Markku Alen and Colin McRae all have in common?
A: 他們都跑過 Le Man 24
Jean-Pierre Nicolas in 1969年 (Alpine A220/68 with Renault-Gordini 3.0 L V8)
Sebastien Loeb in 2005,2006年 (Pescarolo C60 Hybrid with Judd GV5 S2 5.0L V10)
Jean-Claude Andruet in 1967~1989年
Rauno Aaltonen in 1965年 (Austin-Healey Sprite Sebring with BMC 1.3L I4)
Markku Alen in 1980年 (Lancia Beta Montecarlo with Lancia 1.4L Turbo I4)
Colin McRae in 2004年 (Ferrari 550-GTS Maranello with Ferrari F133 5.9L V12)
19: Who is the most famous driver ever to have tested a Volkswagen rally car?
哪位知名車手測試過 Volkswagen 拉力賽車?
A: Ayrton Senna 在1980年代末期為雜誌測試 VW Golf 賽車
20: The late Richard Burns owned and treasured an American muscle car. What was
2001年年度冠軍 Richard Burns 他的最後一輛美國肌肉車收藏是?
A: Chevrolet Camaro SS
21: Two rally drivers have had tribute songs released on CD in Finland in their
honour. Name them?
A: Tommi Makinen and Marcus Gronholm
22: Which was the first rally that Lancia’s Group S ECV Delta competed on?
第一場 Lancia S組的 ECV Delta 賽車參賽的賽事是?
A: 陷阱題. ECV Delta 沒有參賽過, 因為 Group S 並無正式成立胎死腹中.
參見: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_S#Group_S
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VrL5w_ZKGc
ECV Delta在Monza Rally Show 的展示畫面 )
23: A former WRC star was once forced to miss several rallies due to liver
damage - but was perfectly sober at the time. Who was he?
哪位前WRC明星因肝臟損傷而缺席數場賽事, 但在完全清醒的時候?
A: Alister McRae 在騎登山車時發生意外造成肝臟撕裂花了好幾個月才康復
24: Name the driver who spent some of his spare time entering hillclimb events
in his homeland in 2012?
A: Dani Sordo
25: And finally, which legendary team boss once described his star driver as
"a very good man who tries his best to be very bad every time he puts on his
crash helmet" - and who was the driver?
的事"? 誰是那位車隊經理描述的人?
A: Peugeot車隊經理 Corrado Provera 他描述 Marcus Gronholm 的話.