Re: [閒聊] DF分析瘟疫傳說安魂曲畫面

作者: EspressoJ (AFGNCAAP)   2022-10-26 13:03:41
應原po要求潤一下效能那段的翻譯, 用推文打太麻煩 XD
Performance is a touch controversial because not only does the game target 30
frames per second, it can actually fall short of the number. At least the
30fps update is evenly frame-paced, with adaptive screen tearing kicking in
on all three when the engine's pushed. I'd also stress that 95 percent of the
time you're getting a smooth 30fps line here with no issues. Xbox Series X is
the best, and most consistent performer of the three, and I've barely seen
much more than a single frame drop here, even in the most taxing spots. The
emergence of rats is a big stress point in the game, typically, and it barely
shows a blip on Series X. It's not as pretty a picture with PlayStation 5,
however, which offers up a less stable 30fps release all round, though
largely still very solid.
(此遊戲)效能基準訂為30禎引起一些爭議, 而且即使已經鎖了30禎, 還是可能掉到30以下.
但至少此30禎的更新堪稱穩定(譯註: From你看看你啊!), 掉禎時會有裂屏(screen tear).
95%的情況下有老鼠2都能維持穩定的30禎. XSX是三台主機中禎數最穩定的, 即使在最操
GPU的廠景也不太掉禎. 有老鼠時就是這款遊戲開始吃效能的時候, XSX即使有老鼠時都不
太掉禎. PS5相比下就沒有那麼流暢, 禎數相較下不穩定, 然而整體來說PS5的效能表現也
不差. (譯註: From你看看你啊!)
If we're picking out the worst points for comparison, scenes involving masses
rats and guards in outdoors areas do cause the biggest problems on the Sony
machine. Equally, Series X's flat 30 clearly drops into the mid-20s on PS5 in
areas involving heavy transparency effects - like fire. The majority of play
is still 30fps, but expect the drops to be that much more regular on PS5 in
its current state. Curiously the Series S release falls in between the a
huge. In overall consistency it's closer to Series X in overall robustness,
again barring select moments with a huge surge of rats. In terms of
performance, the drop to 900p on Series S does appear to be well judged, and
a benefit in the visuals/frame-rate balance.
要挑最糟的情況來對比的話, 有大量老鼠和守衛的室外場景對PS5的效能影響最大. XSX的
禎數在有火的地方穩定的30禎, PS5會掉到20幾. 整體來說遊戲的30禎算穩定, 但是PS5掉
禎的頻率比較高. 有趣的是XSS(在效能上)是夾在XSX和PS5中間, 整體來說跟XSX差不多穩
定, 一樣有老鼠時才會掉禎. XSS的900P設定看來在像素和效能之間是不錯的平衡.
作者: alanjiang (我只是想看清自己)   2022-10-26 13:09:00
作者: unorthodoxy (啡墊辛)   2022-10-26 13:33:00
謝謝分析高CU的優勢 現在慢慢浮現出來
作者: faang (昉)   2022-10-26 13:43:00
XSS破一輪 唯一延遲的是船上海戰;其他像老鼠海浪都很順
作者: rasputin   2022-10-26 13:50:00
小弟見解是 It's not as pretty (as) a picture with PlayStation 5這句話應該是說「ps5版就沒那麼如詩如畫美麗動人」,這樣跟上下文才有連貫性,實際上全文和YT影片也沒有提到PS5畫面較優之處,天外飛來一筆卻沒有提供證據支持不符合df的風格
作者: alanjiang (我只是想看清自己)   2022-10-26 13:58:00
我後來有回去聽一下影片,結果沒聽到這句as pretty as a picture,可能就影片後的文章另外加的描述句
作者: rasputin   2022-10-26 14:12:00
是的as pretty as a picture本身是片語,這裡應該不是要講as pretty as playstation 5
作者: supereva (eva)   2022-10-26 14:29:00
df要講畫面都是看光影 看細節材質 看細節解析度
作者: shinchen (starrydawn星晨)   2022-10-26 14:49:00
"Series X's flat 30 clearly drops into the mid-20s
作者: VICGecko (VICGecko)   2022-10-26 14:49:00
picture也有局勢的意思 應該是在說ps5的裝況吧 同意樓上
作者: VICGecko (VICGecko)   2022-10-26 14:50:00
作者: shinchen (starrydawn星晨)   2022-10-26 14:51:00
- like fire." 這邊指的是有火焰的區域XSX還是穩30但PS5會掉到20多吧
作者: TotalBiscuit (CynicalBrit)   2022-10-26 14:53:00
series x's flat 30那句是說,透明特效多的區域,像或,在XSX可以穩30fps的地方,PS5會掉到25左右
作者: VICGecko (VICGecko)   2022-10-26 14:54:00
同意shin大 文章前面說XSX只會偶爾掉1幀
作者: rakuinn (烙印者)   2022-10-27 04:15:00

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