※ 引述《jason840226 (BabyHurk)》之銘言:
: 再來更新一下最新的訊息,
: FTC有可能會在告MS這件事大翻車,
: 首先,
: FTC告MS的基調是,
: MS在收購ZeniMax時對EC(EU)承諾說不會有任何獨佔,然後星空…上古六(you know),而這也是
: 之前Sony一直拿來打MS的點說他們只會說謊不可信…
: 結果…
: EC(EU)現在跳出來說,
: “MS在收購ZeniMax時並沒有做「不會有任何獨佔」這個承諾”
: 所以整件事根本是子虛烏有的,
: 反對方的立足點從一開始就不存在…
: 事情越來越有趣了,
: 難怪微軟那麼有自信…
因為原件的是截圖,而且混雜了 FTC 跟 MS 的聲明,所以我有
些難以理解,不過我嘗試著把 EU 回應的部分給截下來。
這部分是 EU 用以回應對於 MS 當時併購 Zenimax 的判決。
"MS didn't make any "commitments" to EU regulators not to release
Xbos-Exclusive content following its takeover of ZeniMax Media"
"The Commission cleared the Microsoft/ZeniMax transaction unconditionally
as it concluded that the transaction would not raise competition concerns"
"The absence of competition concerns did not rely on any statements mada by
MS about the future distribution strategy concerning ZeniMax's games."
Even if MS were to restrict access to ZeniMax titles, it wouldn't have a
sigificant impact on competition because rivals wouldn't be denied access
to an "essential input," and other consoles would still have a "large
array" of attractive content
其他段落是屬於 FTC 的說詞或是一些是 MS 的說詞。但是在這部分
並不重要,因為比較在意的是 EU 跟 FTC 在同一件事上是否有衝突
但是如果說去詢問 EU 是否在 MS 併購 Zenimax 有過 commitments,
得到的答案一定是否定的。因為 EU 的文件中最早就有寫到了
The Commission notes that an input foreclosure strategy would only be
economically viable if ZeniMax games were able to attract a sufficiently
high number of new players to the Xbox console ecosystem, and if Microsoft
could profit enough from their game purchasing activity.115 However,
such an outcome is unlikely.
他們並不認為 MS 獨佔 ZeniMax 的遊戲會構成壟斷行為。
所以對 EU 審查 MS 併購 ZeniMax 來說,他們並沒有要求
MS 提出 Remedies。自然也就不會有 MS 對 EU 有過任何的
所以 EU 在之前或是現在都是一致的。如果去問他們有沒有這一回
事,答案就會是 "否"。因為 MS 併購 ZeniMax 不會造成任何的壟斷
行為發生。自然就不會有 commitments。
回到 FTC 的原件是
對應到 EU 文件中的內容是
Therefore, according to the Notifying Party, Microsoft would not
have the incentive to cease or limit making ZeniMax games available
for purchase on rival consoles
FTC 本身的說法是
在第 20 頁 114 及 115 項
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by
Microsoft to European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax
content exclusive post-close, after the EC cleared the transaction,
Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass
subscription services. For example, although previous titles in
ZeniMax’s franchise were released on PlayStation, Microsoft has
confirmed that the upcoming will be available only on Xbox consoles,
Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services.
Microsoft has also stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly
anticipated new games in development at the time of Microsoft’s purchase
of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release. Microsoft’s previous representations to the
EC about its incentives after its purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out
by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead, Microsoft put its true
post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play
them on a competing product.
一開始 FTC 說到 MS 對於 EU 的回應就說了
Despite statements by Microsoft to European regulators disavowing the
incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close
其實 FTC 沒有說到 MS 有跟 EU 做出不獨佔的 commitments。而是說 MS 對
EU 的聲明中表示 MS 否認獨佔的行為對 MS 是有 incentive 的。
可以說是 MS 在回應 EU 時做出了這樣的聲明,但並不是 commitments
因為 commitment 有其對價的關係。MS 這樣的 statement 並不是 agreement
自然不具有任何的約束力。所以 MS 並沒有跟 EU 在不獨佔這部分有過任何的承諾。
這對應到 FTC 的原文中並沒有衝突。因為 FTC 並沒有說到 MS 對於 EU 有
過 Commitment。EU 是無條件通過 MS 對於 ZeniMax 的併購案的。所以自然不
會有過 Commitment。我想他們應該不會犯下不清楚當時這個併購案是無條件
通過這樣很基本的錯誤。任何一個併購案是否有 remedies 都會是很直接且清楚的。
至於有提到 MS Commitment 的部分是 FTC 在其後表示
Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles
through the end of Activision’s existing agreement with Sony
MS 過去的行動,使他們在這次併案做出的公開承諾效力會受到質疑。
FTC 全文中只有提到這一次 Commitment,很容易就可以查到。
因為我沒有 EU 回應的整份文件,而且我也不想要去該網站註冊試用。
我想 EU 是在回應對於 MS 併購 Zenimax 是否有著附加條件這一點,而答案
很顯然的是"沒有"。因為併購 Zenimax 並不構成壟斷,而且 EU 在做出這樣
的判斷時並沒有依據任何 MS 做出的聲明。因為這是一個明顯的事實。