Samchen (什麼鬼)
2014-09-12 19:57:06※ 引述《tachikoma (塔奇庫馬)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《oryza (綠光)》之銘言:
: : http://business.time.com/2011/12/19/stop-changing-the-oil-every-3000-miles-already/
: : Stop Changing the Oil Every 3,000 Miles Already!
: : By Brad Tuttle @bradrtuttleDec. 19, 20113 Comments
: : The Los Angeles Times spells out the fact that the 3,000-mile mantra just
: : doesn’t apply to modern-day vehicles, and that changing the oil every 3,000
: : miles often means paying two or three times more than is necessary:
: : 5000公里就換機油已經不適合現代的汽車了.浪費錢而已.
: : Improvement in oils, friction proofing and car engines have lengthened the
: : oil-change interval, typically 7,500 miles to 10,000 miles for most vehicles.
: : 油品質及引擎技術的提升7500-10000麥來換都適合多數的車.
: : 車型更換機油周期的查詢網站
: : http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/UsedOil/OilChange/FindInterval/CheckYourNumber.aspx
: : 每5千準時去換,又用保養廠推薦的雜牌沒認證的油,只會被笑是潘仔.
: 補個戰點
: 現在歐美都用5w30 5w20
: 台灣用5w40 5w50保護性才夠 v.s. 那個太黏 5w30 5w20保護性一樣但更省油
: 用這保護性更好更不會熱衰 符合原廠規範即可
: 台灣環境特殊濕熱走走停停 車廠認證、甜甜圈
"Normal driving conditions" DO NOT include the following:
ꂠ‧ꂠCold weather, less than 10 degrees
ꂠ‧ꂠExtreme heat, more than 90 degrees
ꂠ‧ꂠExtreme humidity
ꂠ‧ꂠTowing a trailer or hauling heavy materials
ꂠ‧ꂠRepeated short-distance trips of less than five miles
ꂠ‧ꂠExtensive idling or in stop-and-go traffic
走走停停,一次開少於8km,環境溫度高於32.2度c, 極度潮濕。
maniaque (maniaque)
2014-09-13 15:20:00個人心得是維持5000換但"這只是一個指標"但實際更換的里程點幾乎都會因為各因素而拖到七八千才有空去換....反正建議以實際情況,若已經有油泥會產生,就縮短里程點讓油更換的時間短一點,可以多帶走一些油泥...