Scape (non)
2017-03-18 04:00:40https://goo.gl/di3PCS
Tesla Model S共有七種不同的動力配置可以選擇
最便宜的Model S 60起價為6.8萬美元(301.3萬台幣)
而Tesla正計劃取消60/60D的販售,2017/4/16將是最後能訂購Model S 60/60D的日子
同時也可能是為了即將正式發表/量產的Model 3騰出空間做準備
因為 60/60D 車型並沒有跨過奢侈稅門檻,台灣售價只要 301.3/326.8 萬台幣
75/75D 售價為 368.5/394 萬台幣
Electrek has learned that Tesla is planning to discontinue the least
expensive versions of the Model S next month. Today, Tesla started
sending out emails to warn potential buyers who have shown interest in
the vehicles that the change is coming and Electrek confirmed the news
with Tesla.
April 16th, 2017 will be the last day to order the Model S 60 and 60D.
The vehicles were the least expensive models that customers could
purchase from Tesla – starting at $68,000.
The Model S 60 and 60D were equipped with 75 kWh battery packs
software-locked to 60 kWh. Owners were able to unlock the remaining 15
kWh through a software update for a fee at any time after the purchase if
they decided that they wanted more capacity.
Tesla says that they are making the change because most customers
ultimately end up upgrading to 75 kWh and they want to streamline the
ordering process.
As we reported earlier this week, Tesla has 7 powertrain options now that
the 100D is being delivered. If nothing else is introduced after the
16th, the change will bring down the number to 5 options.
It comes as Tesla is preparing to launch the Model 3, which should start
at $35,000, but higher performance versions are expected to be offered at
higher prices closer to the price of the Model S. It would make sense for
Tesla to try to create a bigger gap between the two vehicles.
The base version of the Model 3 is expected to feature a battery pack
smaller than 60 kWh and we reported that Tesla has been driving a Model 3
test mule with a 70 kWh battery pack. Now that Tesla’s least powerful
option for the Model S is about to become a 75 kWh battery pack, it would
make sense that the less expensive Model 3 would have an option below the
more expensive Model S.
What do you think? They are making room for the Model 3 or something else
is coming for the Model S after April 16? Let us know in the comment
section below.
doa2 (邁向名師之路)
2017-03-18 06:04:00台幣續升的話,75車型可能不會過奢侈稅門檻?
volcom (å—å°ç£å»ºæå°å¤©çŽ‹)
2017-03-18 07:33:00坐等model 3
台灣解鎖31萬 但60/75差 6x 萬買60升級才是正解啊!!
重點是解鎖部分不會踢到奢侈稅,台灣這稅制真的很靠杯該打的房產不好好打短線稅 跑來搞出個什麼鬼奢侈稅車價貴自然關稅貨物稅都被抽得多 在扒一層皮到底是怎樣
房產現在短線要繳45%吧 也不少了不過車子要奢侈稅我也覺得沒什麼意義
volcom (å—å°ç£å»ºæå°å¤©çŽ‹)
2017-03-18 10:42:00用收集發票大法可以減輕一點
koji328 (宅男才打B 我不是)
2017-03-18 11:12:00300多萬的車課個奢侈稅也是剛好而 有錢人多繳點稅很合理
dslite (呼呼)
2017-03-18 12:13:00因為你太有錢 捐點給22k不好嗎
sdd5426 (★黑白小羊☆)
2017-03-18 12:26:00笑死 買得起300萬車子的人在不滿奢侈稅
berryc (so)
2017-03-18 13:14:00課奢侈稅剛好而已。超過300萬就是開來炫富的
60和75價格也差太多 少了60很難吸引雙逼消費者直上
作者: YJM1106 (YM) 2017-03-18 17:19:00
作者: JEON (果然是鄉民的世界) 2017-03-18 23:19:00
就是富人稅 有什麼問題嗎 實施之後豪車銷量有降低嗎? 沒有呀
覺得慶幸已買...唉唉 有這稅的話只能考慮直下其他車
作者: ok771105 (宅皇) 2017-03-21 01:57:00