Scape (non)
2020-02-28 08:48:24來源:
Toyota has the highest degree of self-driving cars, 27,000% more than Baidu's
Toyota 的無人駕駛車輛有著最高的跳脫率,比起百度的Apollo 高出270倍
Baidu's open source Apollo self-driving car platform is the king of 2019 with
a minimum separation distance per mile.
百度的Apollo 開源無人駕駛測試車在2019年稱王,有著最小的跳脫率。
One of the things that makes California unique in the development of
autonomous vehicles is that it requires developers to submit some
Disengagement report Per year.
This disengagement report-don't confuse with DC's outstanding performance
Dismemberment plan -Is a detailed log of human safety drivers being forced to
control self-driving cars under any circumstances during tests on public
roads, and the circumstances that caused this. This is one of the best
indicators of the public's understanding of how advanced a given company's
self-driving car program is.
in the past few years, Waymo Usually, it is dominated by the least
disengagement per mile, but it looks like Chinese Baidu, And Open source
Apollo The self-driving car platform went away and pulled Jon Snow from a
relative in Denvers Targaryen, Mountain View.
過去幾年,Waymo 保持著每英里跳脫率最少的紀錄,但今年來自中國的百度其
Apollo 開源無人駕駛車平台其表現著實讓我們眼前一亮。
Specifically, Baidu achieved a staggering 0.06 departures per thousand miles
driven, and its four development vehicles traveled a total of 100,300.2 miles
in 2019. All its disengagements (only six times in total) occurred on ground
streets, not on highways or freeways. This is a common theme for most
reporting companies.
具體來說,2019年百度Apollo 平台實現了每一千英里里程只有0.06次的驚人跳
脫率,該公司的四輛開發測試車總共行駛了100300.2 英里。所有的(只有六次)
Waymo and Cruise are tied for second. Their clutch per 1,000 miles is only
0.08. For brevity, we will call them Wallys from now on. Baidu. Cruise has
227 cars on the road and travels 831,039.9 miles. Waymo only conducted 147
car tests, but In a typical Waymo wayThey did go a long way-exactly
1,453,137.3. This is equivalent to three round trips to the moon.
Waymo 與Cruise 則是並列第二。他們的每千英里跳脫率只有0.08次。Cruise
共有227輛測試車並且共跑了831039.9 英里。Waymo 有147輛測試車,但Waymo
How have these numbers improved since 2018? Facts have proven to be
significant. Best of Waymo-and best of all reports Submitted to 2018 -It's
0.09 Wallis. Baidu's 0.06 is a very serious bump, and even Cruise and Waymo's
own 0.01 Wally decline should not be underestimated.
那這些數據自從2018年後改善了多少?在2018年時,Waymo 最好(也是所有公司
與Waymo 的0.01次的降幅也不可小看。
So now we have seen the best. Which major companies are underperforming in
producing self-driving cars? Well, unfortunately, the top three of this year
are all traditional car manufacturers. Mercedes Benz It was the worst one,
with 140 of them coming from 18 cars and driving 14,238 miles.
年的倒數三名都是傳統汽車製造商。Benz 是其中之一,他們的18輛無人駕駛測
The second worst is the Munich people-I mean BMW, of course -Scored 370
Wallys. This was produced by five cars that only traveled 21.36 miles. Maybe
if they pay more, the results will improve, but we have to see how they
perform in 2020.
Finally, at the bottom of the proverbial bucket is Toyota cars the study. Its
researchers managed a staggering 1,620 of Wally among six cars traveling only
1,817 miles. Especially one car-VIN number JTHDU1EF3G5020098, which was a
liar-completed an amazing 900 breaks on its own in just 534 test miles.
了跳脫率1620次/千英里 的墊底成績。特別是一輛VIN 為JTHDU1EF3G5020098
It's easy to joke now, but the truth is that developing self-driving cars is
unusual, crazy, incredible, very, very difficult. Toyota hasn't done this in
a while, and although it obviously has a way to go, we implore it:
Toyota's self-driving cars plan to underperform in 2019, but there will
always be next year!
Oh if you are curious Tesla That's all, rest assured, Elon & company
submitted a disengagement report. The Big T has zero detachment (yes, zero),
but it's important to note that it is only equipped with one car, and the car
only travels 12.2 miles. So yes, fully autonomous driving is Imminent, you
加州車輛管理局(DMV) 每年都會要求在該州測試無人駕駛車輛的公司提供數據,
過去一直都是Waymo 領先,而且領先幅度不小。另外一家新創公司Cruise 成績
通常也不錯,然後前幾年就被GM 收購了,所以GM 一直對他們的自駕技術很有
在加州測試的公司還有一大堆,除了像是Apple、Tesla 這些美國本土公司外,
來自中國的公司也非常的多,2019年的DMV 無人駕駛報告裡前十名有快半是中
另外有趣的是,不曉得是不是因為脫離率被百度追上,Waymo 在這報告發佈不
│https://twitter.com/Waymo/status/1232758355082375168 │
│ │
│Waymo │
│ │
│1/7 We appreciate what the California DMV was trying to do │
│when creating this requirement, but the disengagement metric │
│does not provide relevant insights into the capabilities of │
│the Waymo Driver or distinguish its performance from others │
│in the self-driving space. │
不過Waymo 會這樣說是正確的,因為這份報告是由各公司自己提供,其實際狀
DMV 報告連結: