小弟不才第一次讀到non-inferiority 的trials
不劣性的區間 (margin)設訂這個地方就讓我有點頭大 因為以前的生統
這篇是比較primary chemotherapy 和 primary surgery intervention
the expected 3 year survival rate was 50% with primary
surgery. We defined the non-inferiority boundary, selected
after consideration of the size of diff erences noted
in similar trials and clinical consensus, to exclude a
detriment of more than 6% with primary chemotherapy,
with a 10% (one-sided) level of signifi cance. Therefore, to
show non-inferiority, the upper bound of the one-sided
90% CI for the hazard ratio (HR) had to be less than 1·18
想問幾個問題,exclude a detriment of more than 6% with primary chemotherapy
查了一下,這邊我是應該解釋成根據以前的文獻,所以我們用primary chemotherapy做的
non-inferiority 最多可以接受比primary surgery 多6%的傷害多還在可以接受的範圍
2. 他說文章中另有提到不提供p-value是因為 non-inferiority trials
到答案 感謝:)