beckseaton (沒有é‹å‹•æœƒæ»)
2013-05-28 00:37:37青春年華 醉生夢醒的導演James Ponsoldt將執導希拉蕊柯林頓的傳記電影
包括史考莉喬韓森 瑞絲薇斯朋 潔西卡雀絲坦 曼達塞佛瑞等人
電影預計2016年總統大選時上映 而希拉蕊到時可能是民主黨候選人
Scarlett Johansson May Play Hillary Clinton in "Rodham" Biopic
It was recently reported that James Ponsoldt (The Spectacular Now, Smashed)
was hired to direct "Rodham," the Hillary Clinton biopic that ended up on
last year's "Black List" of best unproduced screenplays.
Now comes word that Ponsoldt is already casting and is considering many
actresses to play the lead, including Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon,
Jessica Chastain and Amanda Seyfried.
"They're all wonderful actresses. We're very fortunate that a lot of really
great actors are interested in playing these roles. We're in an enviable
position," said Ponsoldt. "Regardless of people's political affiliation or
how they feel about Hillary Clinton, you don't find people who question the
quality of her intelligence or her drive. I want a wonderful actress who
could embody that."
The plan is to release the film in time for the 2016 Presidential election,
where Clinton could be a candidate for the Democratic party.
"Rodham" plot: During the height of the Watergate scandal, rising star
Hillary Rodham is the youngest lawyer chosen for the House Judiciary
Committee to Impeach Nixon, but she soon finds herself forced to choose
between a destined path to the White House and her unresolved feelings for
Bill Clinton, her former boyfriend who now teaches law in Arkansas.