there was a general feeling of lawlessness
as if everything was up in the air
as if we could smash and hit
and torture and kill without the slightest fear
of the past coming back to haunt us
rules didn't matter
commitments were broken like chocolate bars
we raced each other past the border fence
into the great beyond, and mistook danger
for adventure
and then the bubble up in the air
dropped, and like a crystal snow globe
shattered into a million concave shards
your face staring at me from each reflection
now i'm gathering the fragments
piecing them together one by one
the smell of super-glue is my hangover
each time i pick one up
your face disappears
to be replaced by mine when set into place
when the last piece is set and dried
i sweep the snow together inside
pour in the water, put in the base
and give it a single shake
and amidst the falling snow
she walks in.