(Judicial Papyrus of Turin, 英文版可參考:
簡單來說,故事是拉美西斯三世的其中一位太太 Tiye 為了讓自己的兒子 Pentaweret
(另外還有兩份文獻提到對罪犯施的魔法: Rollin Papyrus & Lee Papyrus)
並沒有提到這起陰謀是否成功? 而早先也沒從拉美西斯三世木乃伊身上發現謀殺的痕跡。
因此後來便對木乃伊進行更詳細的檢查,也包括檢驗另外一具不知名的木乃伊(man E)。
man E 則藉 DNA 分析確定其與拉美西斯三世的親緣關係,
另外也推斷其可能就是那位共同參與陰謀的王子 Pentaweret。
http://0rz.tw/tfYb1 (新聞)
http://www.bmj.com/content/345/bmj.e8268 (有興趣也可參考這篇論文)
二十王朝的法老們皆震於前朝拉美西斯家族威名,因此都取名叫"拉美西斯" XD
Study reveals that Pharaoh’s throat was cut during royal coup
Monday, December 17, 2012 - 14:10
Conspirators murdered Egyptian king Ramesses III by cutting his throat,
concludes a study in the Christmas issue published on bmj.com today.
Ramesses III - the second Pharaoh of the 20th dynasty - is believed to have
reigned from 1186 to 1155 BC. The discovery of papyrus trial documents show
that in 1155 BC members of his harem made an attempt on his life as part of a
palace coup.
The conspiracy was led by Tiye, one of his two known wives, and her son
Prince Pentawere, over who would inherit the throne, but it is not clear
whether the plot was successful or not.
The fate of Ramesses III has therefore long been the subject of debate
among Egyptologists.
So a team of researchers, led by Dr Albert Zink from the Institute for
Mummies and the Iceman of the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen in Italy,
undertook detailed anthropological and forensic analyses on the mummies of
Ramesses III and unknown man E, the suspected son of the king.
CT scans of Ramesses III revealed a wide and deep wound in the throat of
the mummy, probably caused by a sharp blade – and which could have caused
immediate death, say the authors.
A Horus eye amulet was also found inside the wound, most probably inserted
by the ancient Egyptian embalmers during the mummification process to promote
healing, add the authors. The neck was covered by a collar of thick linen
Analysis of unknown man E revealed an age of 18-20 years, while an inflated
thorax and compressed skinfolds around the neck of the mummy suggests violent
actions that led to death, such as strangulation, write the authors.
Furthermore, the body was not mummified in the usual way – and was covered
with a “ritually impure” goatskin - which the authors say could be
interpreted as evidence for a punishment in the form of a non-royal burial
The authors believe that unknown man E “is a good candidate for Pentawere.”
However, they stress that the cause of death “has to remain a matter of
Finally, DNA analysis revealed that the mummies share the same parental
lineage, “strongly suggesting that they were father and son,” they say.
The authors conclude that Ramesses III “was murdered during the harem
conspiracy by cutting his throat.” They add that the genetic relationship of
unknown man E to Ramesses III, and his unusual mummification process, including
the ritually impure use of a goat skin to cover the body, makes him a good
candidate for Pentaware. Thereby, shedding new light on the harem conspiracy.