※ 引述《silentgiant (不言而喻)》之銘言:
: 最近一直讀聖經,冒出來的想法
: 依稀記得聖經是希伯來文寫得,也有的是希臘文寫得
: 希伯來文跟希臘文哪一個實用。不僅是讀聖經,而且哪些國家可以使用希臘文或希伯來文
: 老實說,我未來有希望想去以色列觀光
: 我希望可以閱讀聖經的原文,謝謝
Andrew Kuo, "None of the authors of the New Testament read their Scriptures in
Hebrew. They all read their Scriptures in Greek. The Greek Old Testament
should be the Christian Old Testament. (The Eastern Churches and the Roman
Catholic Church all use the Old Testament based on the Greek, not the Hebrew