[求譯] peak at

作者: roastchicken (咕咕咕)   2014-07-12 11:24:20
"The starting salary of individuals in this profession averages $50,000
Salary will vary depending on where you live in the United States. This
practice is generally limited to metropolitan environments in the United
States. Salaries after 10 years of practice peak at $150,000 annually."
是指這一行在做十年後的 "強者"可以到這個收入
還是指這一行的最高收入是十年後 大家平均是十五萬?
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2014-07-12 11:59:00
後者呃 修正: 其實我看不出來是哪種
作者: vicwk (Victor)   2014-07-12 16:03:00
應該是前者 指做十年後 賺最多的可達年薪十五萬

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