Re: [求譯] 用電話應徵外國工作的簡易用語

作者: ckmeat (肉肉)   2014-08-22 05:49:35
※ 引述《lovelyleejie ()》之銘言:
試譯 再請板上諸位強者給更詳盡意見
: 用電話應徵外國工作的簡易用語
: 想知道我這樣詢問是否合乎外國禮節,謝謝!!
: 麻煩多多指正我用詞不當之處,謝謝!!
: Hi, Alex,
: This is Mary.
Dear Alex,
This is a letter from Mary.
我不知道原本妳的用法合不合適 但感覺上比較像是跟已認識的人對話而不是求職
: I wonder your address to meet with you for application your occupation.
: I can google your address to take a bus to your place by myself.
May I have your address so that I can attend your office in person to apply
for the position you offer.
: I can bring anything or information for the job to you.
: May I meet with you this evening?
: Thank you!
Should there be any necessity, I can offer the information related to show my
competence for this position.
Thank you for your time reading this letter.
Best wishes.
Your sincerely,
作者: vicario837 (維嘉里歐)   2014-08-22 11:07:00
related to的to是介系詞 competence也許可用qualification比較委婉?
作者: ckmeat (肉肉)   2014-08-22 13:49:00
offer "info related" to show~ 我覺得既然要丟履歷 有自信些比較好
作者: vicario837 (維嘉里歐)   2014-08-22 14:00:00
啊 原來是表目的的to 請忽略我前面的推文
作者: niicorobin (.)   2014-08-22 21:22:00
原原PO有說是電話應徵喔@@所以不必用書信用法 不過我也認同前面地址那段改這樣

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