我想請問"culture with a capital C"
和"culture with a small c" 的不同
What is “big C” culture?
Big C culture refers to that culture which is most visible. Some visible
forms of culture include holidays, art, popular culture, literature, and
food. When learning about a new culture, the big C cultural elements would be
discovered first; they are the most overt forms of culture.
What is “little c” culture?
Little c culture, in contrast, in the more invisible type of culture
associated with a region, group of people, language, etc. Some examples of
little c culture include communication styles, verbal and non-verbal language
symbols, cultural norms (what is proper and improper in social interactions),
how to behave, myths and legends, etc.
疑問1: little c 有包含在 big C 之中嗎? 還是是對等關係,誰也不屬於誰?
疑問2:要怎麼以中文去解釋little c 和 big C的差別?