appletv (iloveonions)
2016-10-17 19:19:16您好
我在讀correct writing 遇到了2個問題 (因為沒有詳解)
下面都是錯誤的句子 雖然有解答 但是不知道要如何改正
1. To understand the philosopher’s ideas,
defining his terms was my first order of business.
答案 contains dangling modifier
2.He left the city hall just after five o’clock,
and this caused him to be late for dinner.
答案 contains a faulty reference of a pronoun
另外想請教大家 你們會用
0.36 mile or 0.36 miles
我在網路上討論區看過 似乎兩種用法都有人使用
yoson (yoson)
2016-10-18 21:43:001. To understand the philosopher’s ideas,I defined his terms as my first order of business.因為在原句中,"to understand...idea" 並沒有修飾對應的名詞"I"2. Because he left the city hall just after five o’clock, he was late for dinner.因為原句中,我們無法得知this代表的是He left, 或 He leftthe city hall, 或 He left the city hall just after 5 o'clock雖然此句中或許可依文意判斷,但有時候單從文意並不能確定,故在寫作中應避免此種錯誤0.36 miles