iaso (海有多深)
2017-08-07 17:00:01各位大大好,
P.S. I would like to give a free lecture at your company on “How to Write
an Orderly Attractive Abstract” It is a 1.5 hour lecture. Can you arrange
下面是我的回信,本人程度幼兒園(羞..) 主要是想表達謝謝他,我會把他的訊息轉
的比較多 orz),想請問下面這樣問是否妥當,希望不要有失禮的感覺,先謝謝了。
Dear Mr.○○○
I'll pass the lecture message to Department of education & research,
That'll be helpful. Is the speak in English ? or could it be in Chinese?
I'll forward the message to the Dept. of Edu. andRes. to see if they can arrange the schedule foryour lecture.By the way, is the lecture given in English or Chinese? It would be nice if the lecture can begiven in Chinese due to the language preferenceof our audience.