在一篇關於英國脫歐的文章中 The Florence speech was better than many in Brussels feared, in three ways. The first and most important was its conciliatory tone. Not only did she offer compromises over the Brexit divorce. She also dropped threats to use security as a bargaining chip and promised not to seek an unfair advantage through deregulation post-Brexit. And, at least until the after-speech questions, she ditched her mantra that no deal was better than a bad deal. 最後一行 she ditched her mantra 中,ditch 要怎麼理解比較好呢? 另一段 Mrs May’s biggest problem is not with Brussels but with her own party, which will be in a chastened mood in Manchester. Despite the show of cabinet unity in Florence, Boris Johnson, her foreign secretary, has let it be known that he personally shot down the Norwegian model, as well as insisting on a limit of two years for transition. He also contradicted Mrs May by suggesting that new EU rules would not apply and free movement would stop in March 2019. 第二行 a chastened mood, chastened 在這裡要怎麼翻比較好呢? 原文 https://goo.gl/kELaiT 謝謝!!!