nswrth (空性)
2018-08-22 23:54:46我省略了前面一些歌詞 歌詞前面有提到"我倆之間像是有一面牆隔著" 然後接著下面...
And in spite of my indeed too great desire
I will not be able to remove this wall
"Because I know well that my heart could split
At the same time as the wall of glass
But if we break this glass, our hearts would then touch"←紅色的是什麼意思?
wall of glass後面沒寫它的狀態或動作所以讓我不太知道完整意思 我想是否是"這面
牆如直接拿開會分裂我的心 但如果打破牆的玻璃 兩個心就能接觸"的意思?
But you know that my heart exists even if, for you
It is only an object that you cannot charm (我不太懂為何都說我的心為你存在,然
As hands you cannot touch
看了完整版歌詞可能會較理解 在這https://goo.gl/z62tpH