※ 引述《joechao119 (怒海孤鴻)》之銘言:
: 標題: [求譯] 一小段學術文章
: 時間: Tue Nov 5 21:42:34 2019
: 原文出處: https://reurl.cc/lLNd3q 在Abstract中間的一段
: The search for a suitable affordance to guide such attention
: has revealed that the rhythm of pattern generation
: by synaptically perturbed neural nets
: is a quantitative indicator of the novelty of their conceptual output,
: that cadence in turn characterized
: by a frequency and a corresponding temporal clustering
: that is discernible through fractal dimension.
: 我在理解上主要卡住的兩個點是
: 1. 文中their conceptual ouput 的 "their",是指什麼?
: 是synaptically perturbed neural nets?
: 還是更前面出現的such attention?
出現代名詞往前回推最接近的指涉位置,their 最靠近的就是
synaptically perturbed neural nets
而且可以注意一下 such attention 的位置,它是不定詞 to guide 裡面的受詞
距離 their 又比 synaptically perturbed neural nets 遠上許多
: 2.文章中,that cadence in turn characterized by 的 "that",是指什麼?
: 是their conceptual output?
: 還是 the novelty? a quantitative indicator?
: 還是只是作為 reveal 後面接的另一個子句?
以下是我的看法,注意最後"that cadence...through fractal dimension."這句
其實沒有任何的"主要動詞",characterized by 使用過去分詞表達
而最後一個 that 子句只跟相對應的時間分群有關
不用跟別人有文法連接上的交代? 就是同位語
如果用 Joseph M. Williams 教授在其書中的修辭名詞
此處可以視為一個概括性修飾(resumptive modifier),我直接截原文書的說明:
1. Since mature writers often use resumptive modifiers to extend a line of
thought, we need a word to name what I have not done in this sentence,
which I could have ended at that comma but extended to show you a relative
clause attached to a noun.
2. Since mature writers often use resumptive modifiers to extend a line of
thought, we need a word to name what I have not done in this sentence,
a sentence that I could have ended at that comma but extended to show you
a relative clause attached to a noun.
語感上 2. 會比 1. 來得好,1. 在最後 which 非限定子句那邊,給人一種"tacked on"
To create a resumptive modifier, find the noun the tacked-on clause modifies,
pause after it with a "comma", repeat the noun and continue with a
"restrictive" relative clause beginning with "that".
回到原本的句子,此處的 that cadence
可以視為指涉前面的 the rhythm 所形成的概括性修飾(rhythm 此處同義於 cadence)
that cadence that is in turn characterized by...
(依照概括性修飾的角度,此處用 the rhythm 會比較好)
: 3."a frequency and a corresponding temporal clustering that is discernible"
: 這句指的是
: a frequency that is discernible, and a corresponding temporal clustering that is discernible
: 還是
: a frequency, and a corresponding temporal clustering that is discernible
有關這部分可以參考我上一篇回覆網友的相關文 https://tinyurl.com/yxu435bx
基本上此處判別很簡單,that 引導的形容詞子句先行詞是相對應的時間分群
因為後面 be 動詞為單數 is