"Every friend whom not thy fantastic will but the great and tender heart in thee craveth, shall lock thee in his embrace." 看小說的的時候讀到這句愛默生說的話。 請問這句話要怎麼拆解、是什麼意思呢? 謝謝釋疑!
every friend+whom 形容詞子句+shall lock thee in his...whom 形容詞子句的主詞:(not thy...heart in thee)whom 形容詞子句的動詞:craveth句子可以改成:every friend whom not your fantastic willbut the great and tender heart in you craves,shalllock you in his embracelock...in embrace 緊緊抱住
原句簡寫成 Every friend whom not A but B craves, shall lock you in his brace. 這裡的 A "your fantastic will" 是指理性, 而 B "the great and tender heart in you"是指感性. 個人解讀為 "將來會在患難中幫助你的朋友, 都是你真誠相待來的, 而不是你攀附來的". 沒研讀過愛默生,所以這個解讀僅供參考.