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2016-04-24 12:41:59Indie developer Rami Ismail responds to critic of work-life balance in game
[翻譯] 獨立遊戲開發者 Rami Ismail 針對 批評遊戲產業的工作平衡 作出回應
Rami Ismail April 16, 2016 6:30 PM
文章整理請見:http://wp.me/PBAPd-uT ]
I read this article( Game developers must avoid the ‘wage-slave’ attitude )
today. I wrote an inline response. The bold parts are the article’s original
text. My responses are the rest of it. Yes, this layout is copied from the
amazing nodontdie.com because I couldn’t come up with another one this fast.
我今天讀了 Alex St. John 的文章(
: I read this article by Dean Takahashi the other day, and my jaw nearly hit
: the floor.
: "有一天我看到了 Dean Takahashi 的文章,眼鏡差點摔破。"
Mine too, I can’t believe structural crunch is still a problem in the games
industry in 2016.
我眼鏡也摔破了,我不敢相信系統性的加班問題在 2016 年的遊戲產業依然是個問題。
: Many modern game developers have embraced a culture of victimology and a bad
: attitude toward their chosen vocations. They complain that the long hours and
: personal sacrifices great games require are a consequence of poor management.
: "很多現代的開發者習慣認為自己生活在受害者情節下,同時對他們自選的職業抱持負面
: 態度。他們抱怨長時間工作及犧牲了自我,是導因於一連串的低能管理。"
And rightfully so, structural crunch is a horrible attitude and can really
damage someone’s ability to function and enjoy their dream job.
: They want to pretend that they can turn an inherently entrepreneurial
: endeavor like game development into a 9-to-5 job.
: "他們想要假裝可以把天生就有創業精神的事業(遊戲創作)當作朝九晚五的工作。"
Wait, only entrepreneurs are entrepreneurial. People that are employed aren’
t entrepreneurs. The whole definition of entrepreneur is that if you mess up,
the risks are for you. The definition of employee is that you work the hours
assigned to you for a wage.
: Somehow, these people have managed to adopt a wage-slave attitude toward one
: of the most remarkable and privileged careers in the world.
: "不知何故,即使面對這世界上最具挑戰及恩典(與生俱來的創作能力)的職業,這些人
: 竟認為自己應該是領薪水的雇員。"
I’ll give you that game development is a remarkable job, and I’ll give you
that it’s a generally privileged career, but ‘wage-slave?’ Isn’t that a
tiny bit hyperbolic?
: I’ve been working at technology startups since I was in my early 20s and
: later founding and running them. I’m fortunate for the career I’ve had, and
: I’ve always been grateful for the incredible opportunities that the
: technology industry has afforded me, especially when you consider that I grew
: up in a log cabin in Alaska with no electricity, plumbing, heating, or cable
: TV. I grew up largely home-schooled; I never did get that high school
: diploma. None of those educational shortcomings seems to matter in the
: high-tech world. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with a
: lot of truly amazing and hyperaccomplished people, many with backgrounds just
: as unorthodox as my own. It was my job at Microsoft and later at WildTangent
: to develop relationships with every leading game developer on Earth.
: "我自從二十歲就在科技創業,然後投資並營運。我很幸運有這樣的職業,我也總是感謝
: 這些科技產業賦予給我的機會。特別是你若知道我是從沒有水電,暖氣及電視的阿拉斯加
: 樹屋長大。我都是在家自學,從未取得高中的學歷。在高科技的世界,這些教育的劣勢其
: 實一點也不重要。這些年我擁有與這些驚人且高成就的人一起工作的恩典。他們很多都是
: 跟我一樣不是正統出身。這是我先前在微軟,WildTangent 遊戲的工作內容,它讓我能與
: 世界上其他前端遊戲開發者建立關係。"
It’s lovely that this industry accepts people of “unorthodox” backgrounds.
Definitely something I’d like to see more of.
: I know I’m going to offend a lot of people by saying this, but I do so with
: the hope that a few will wake up and shake off their mental shackles. I’ll
: grant that it’s been 23 years since I used an outhouse or had to hunt for
: dinner, but I’m still thrilled by the incredibly decadent luxury of
: porcelain toilets and fast food. I can’t begin to imagine how sheltered the
: lives of modern technology employees must be to think that any amount of
: hours they spend pushing a mouse around for a paycheck is really demanding
: strenuous work.
: "我知道我接下來說的東西將冒犯很多人,但我這樣做是希望他們之中的一些人會清醒過
: 來,擺脫思路的糾結。我承認自從我在野外自力更生二十三年,我仍對奢持品,陶瓷馬桶
: 及速食所興奮。我無法想像這些受到現代科技庇護的員工認為動動滑鼠就能營生是艱難的
: 工作。"
If your job is just pushing a mouse around, I can see how you got this
attitude. However, game development is far more than that. Programmers are
continuously working at their utmost mental capacity, solving and optimizing
highly complex and intricate codebases. Modelers and artists are continuously
creative, operating complex software to create high-quality art that needs to
not just look nice but also animate, shade, and interact nicely. Musicians
are continuously creative, exploring new ways to weave game and sonic
qualities. Designers are continuously struggling with communicating ideas,
creating interaction, player feedback, test feedback, at the forefront of our
understanding of human-machine interaction.
[There are] dozens of more jobs that are all equally important to creating a
great game, and none of them [end] with pushing the mouse around. The jobs
involved in the actual creation of a game require high degrees of
specialization, research, and care. All you do pushing your mouse around is
move a cursor. That’s the easy part.
: I’ve hired thousands of people over the years and can’t help but notice the
: increasing frequency with which I encounter people with a wage-slave attitude
: toward making video games. A wage-slave attitude exhibits itself in several
: tragic ways.
: "我曾長期雇用過數千名員工,無法不注意到這些把遊戲製作當作是領薪水雇員的趨勢。
: 領薪水的雇員的態度顯露幾個悲慘的方向。"
I’m just going to assume ‘wage-slave’ is how you spell ‘healthy.’
: I’ve known a lot of stupid self-made millionaires — really, hundreds of
: them — and they’re usually young as well. I’m talking about kids who made
: some of the worst games you can imagine and got rich accidentally, working in
: their parent’s basement in the Florida Everglades. They make their first
: game, get rich, and they’re gone, never having attended a single networking
: event at the Game Developers Conference, done.
: "我認識很多個白手起家的百萬富翁,真的,數以百計,他們通常也都很年輕。我也跟幾
: 個做了糞遊戲卻突然變有錢的小夥子談過,他們住在佛羅里達的地下室。他們都是作了一
: 個遊戲,賺大錢,然後就離開,從未參加過GDC。"
This has absolutely nothing to do with your point, but good for them.
: Contrast the dozens and dozens of these kids with the many game industry
: veterans I know that have long storied resumes listing dozens of triple-A
: console titles they have “labored” on, who decry the long working hours
: they are expected to invest in the games they are employed to work on.
: "相反地很多我認識的遊戲產業老手們,他們的履歷中寫著做了多少三A級的遊戲,卻詆
: 毀那些長時間被雇用的工時。"
Aren’t these veterans probably better equipped to discuss structural issues
in the games industry than the Florida Everglades kid that made one game and
never attended an industry event and then left the industry?
比起從未參加過 GDC 就離開產業住在佛羅里達地下室的小夥子,這些老手難道不正適合
: These people are smarter, more experienced, more talented, better trained to
: produce amazing games, and they’re still working for paychecks and whining
: about avoiding long crunch hours to finish big titles or about not being paid
: fairly by some big employer.
: "這些人很聰明,有經驗,才能,可以做出驚人的遊戲。但他們仍為了薪水,而對加班發
: 牢騷,或是抱怨工資不平等。"
Your complaint here is literally that someone asked to be paid fairly.
: Listening to them complain about it, you would they think that they are
: trapped in some disenfranchised third-world country forced to dig for blood
: diamonds to feed their families.
: "聽他們抱怨,你會感覺你聽到的是沒人權第三世界國家挖血鑽石試圖養活家人的工人在
: 說話。"
I don’t know where you got that from. To me, it sure looks like they’re
just complaining about avoiding long crunch hours to finish big titles or
about not being paid fairly by some big employer. The rest is your
: I’ve never been able to mentally reconcile these conflicting experiences.
: "我從未試著去調適這些衝突的經驗。"
Conflicting experiences? You mean the conflicting experience of a Florida
Everglades kid with an accidental hit and the 30-year industry veteran that
has seen the structural shortcomings of the industry? You can’t mentally
reconcile those? Or do you mean passion and health? You must either not be
passionate or not healthy. They’re pretty easy to reconcile. You must lead a
pretty sad life if you can’t seperate a passion for games and development
from having a healthy and sustainable life.
: Any time I hear this stuff, I tell these people, quit. Go make great games on
: your own. Pursue your passion. You’re better equipped to succeed than any of
: the dozens and dozens of amateur kids I’ve seen retire early while you were
: still “trapped” in a job you hated and trying to rationalize mailing in a
: 40-hour work week making video games.
: "每次我聽到這些東西,我就會告訴這些人,趕快離開,去自己做個好遊戲,跟隨自己的
: 熱情,你具備比其他未成年人更能夠成功的能力。快點從這令人憎恨的工作陷阱中逃出,
: 而不要試圖在遊戲製作中找到一周四十小時的合身套裝。"
What I’m reading is, “You don’t need to pay rent. Just do exactly as the
Florida Everglades kid did. It’s a simple process. Step 1: Quit your job.
Step 2: Move your family of four to your parents’ basement. Step 3: Make a
multimillion dollar game. Step 4: done.”
: To my great shock and disappointment, they never respond to this feedback
: with any sort of enlightenment or gratitude for my generous attempt at
: setting them free. Usually, I just get rage.
: "令我震驚且難過地,這些人從未用任何的感激來回應我試圖解開他們心結的舉動。通常
: 我只收到憤怒。"
What a surprise.
: Being a victim of their employers has somehow managed to become a deeply
: cherished part of their core identities, and any suggestion that they are far
: better equipped to rekindle their sheer passion for making games, do a
: Kickstarter startup with their other talented friends and crank out an
: original hit game, than a bunch of amateur kids working in Flash, is greeted
: with a lot of anger.
: "作為一個老闆的奴隸似乎是他們生命定位的重要價值,任何想要使他們重燃作自己的遊
: 戲的建議,跟他有才能的朋友一起群眾募資,就像建議他們去學習那些未成年人作Flash
: 遊戲一樣,只招來盛怒。"
You literally told them that their requests for ‘fair wage’ and ‘not
horrible crunch’ is only to be valid if they go independent and risk their
financials and families.
: They rant about the value of “work-life balance….”
: "這些人針對生活平衡的價值做出咆哮"
That’s a great and important thing to rant about.
: How hit games can be delivered on a schedule with “proper management….”
: "試圖說明優秀的遊戲應該在適當的管理下能夠在預定期限上市"
Which is (mostly) true.
: And how they can’t produce their best work when their creative energies are
: tapped after a long 40-hour work week….
: "在超時工作下創意的能源是如何的不能正常運作"
Creatives can’t do creative work after doing too much creative work? You’d
almost think this is common sense. Athletes can’t perform their best after
their athletic energies are tapped after a long 40-hour work week either.
: Sitting … at a desk….
: "超時地"坐在位置上"。"
You keep forgetting the actual work part that the sitting at the desk thing
: Apparently, people can even “burn out” working too hard to make … video
: games….
: "這個年頭顯然人們現在連作遊戲都能夠"過勞"了。"
Did you just say burnout in the industry isn’t real? I can’t figure out if
that’s what you’re saying, but it sure seems like you’re saying that.
: Having worked with many of the game industry’s most legendary game
: developers and also many of the game industry’s least known early retirees,
: I can’t help noticing a clear and distinct difference between the people who
: really make it huge in gaming and the people who just have long résumés.
: "我跟很多遊戲產業傳奇的開發者一起共事,他們之中的很多人都提早退休,我不禁注意
: 到一個清楚且決定性的差異,在那些真正做大遊戲的人及那些履歷精彩的人之間的差異。
: "
Me too.
: It’s the attitude.
: 那是一種態度。
: Every legendary game developer I’ve ever known pursued gaming as a vocation
: out of sheer passion. Most could have made more money, had more security,
: lived more “balanced lives” in other tech jobs, but they wanted to make
: games, and they pursued it 110 percent all the time.
: "每個我認識的傳奇開發者都把遊戲製作視為天職。他們都能在其他科技工作賺更多錢,
: 更安穩,過更平衡的生活,但他們想要付出百分之一百一十的力量全時追尋遊戲之路。"
You act like this is exclusive to ‘legendary game developers,’ but this
goes for pretty much most people in this industry. You work in the industry
because you care.
: Not a single person I have ever known who went on to greatness in the gaming
: industry has ever exhibited a shred of wage-slavishness.
: "沒有一位追尋遊戲極致的開發者險露出一絲的薪水雇員氣息。"
That’s because those people tend to be the CEO or founder. They pay
themselves, and they can choose when to go home. The only valid point you’re
making here is that as an industry, we’re still not good at celebrating or
communicating that great games are made by an amazing team instead of a
single designer.
: Making games is not a job. It’s an art.
: "遊戲製作並非只是工作,而是一門藝術。"
What is it with this making two compatible things mutually exclusive? Passion
and taking care of yourself aren’t mutually exclusive. Making art and a job
isn’t mutually exclusive. Monet was a painter. That’s a job. His job
produced art. Shakespeare was a writer. That’s a job. His job produced art.
Marina Abramovic is a performance artist. That’s a job. Her work produced
: You can’t “make fun” on a schedule, under budget, on time with a bunch of
: people who are all grumbling about what a miserable time they are having
: finishing a game together.
: "你不能在時程,預算,以及在一群試圖把遊戲作完卻抱怨悲慘過程的人之間試圖找到樂
: 趣。"
You can’t, which is why you make sure that your employees aren’t miserable
finishing a game together because you did stay on schedule, under budget, and
on time. This situation occurs when your schedule sucked and your budget
sucked, and that’s the fault of the entrepreneurs — not the employees.
: That’s not to say that there aren’t good organized ways to produce games….
: "這並非說他們並沒有使用適當的方法去製作遊戲,"
Then why not use those so that the tragic complaints go away?
: But it will always still come down to the same thing. Great games are
: exclusively made by giving them everything you’ve got and more and then
: hoping it’s enough.
: "而仍是指同一件事:偉大的遊戲無外地必須奉獻全部的自己,甚至燃燒更多還不夠。"
Great games can be made by giving them everything you’ve got and more, and
great studios and developers are made by not burning the fuck out. Turns out
great studios and developers make better games because they have more
experience that they can apply because they did not burn the fuck out.
: There’s no amount of money that anybody can pay people with a wage-slave
: attitude to let it go and put themselves completely into a great game.
: "這些把自己全心全意熱情轉化為遊戲的態度不能用薪水來計算或支付。"
Wage-slave attitude just means ‘employee’ here, and thank you very much,
but those hundreds of ‘wage-slaves’ that work on each [triple-A] title
deserve not just our utmost respect but also reasonable wages and working
: There’s nothing that can compensate people “fairly” for the sacrifices
: that great art requires.
: "對製作這門藝術的需要的犧牲無法公平地反饋。"
I’m having a hard time ‘mentally reconciling’ you saying game development
is ‘just sitting at a desk’ and ‘the sacrifices for great art.’ But, I
agree. There’s no way to compensate fairly for those sacrifices. Especially
not if your schedule is awful, and your budget is too low. So maybe don’t
have an awful schedule and too low budgets.
: It’s art.
: "這是藝術"
: "You need to get an actual job producing productivity software if you want to
: be paid “fairly” and go home at 5 p.m."
: "如果想要拿取公平的報酬,五點下班,你該去找一份有產值的軟體開發工作。"
Last time I checked, ‘producing software’ is exactly the job description
you have working at a large studio, and there is no shame in that. What guts
to imply people demanding more sensible hours are lacking passion for the art
games. Fuck that. They just care enough to wanna do it forever.
: Anybody good enough to get hired to write games can get paid more to work on
: something else.
: "能在遊戲產業把事情做好的人都能在其他地方拿到更好的工作。"
And yet they’re here. Because they care.
: If working on a game for 80 hours a week for months at a time seems “
: strenuous” to you … practice more until you’re better at it.
: "若一周八十小時工作是艱苦地,那麼你該更認真的磨練。"
How about the people doing scheduling and budgeting get better at it? The
entrepreneurs take the risks, so they should pay for mistakes. If your crew
has to work overtime, pay them for it. If you’re a [triple-A company], make
sure they’ve got good health insurance, holidays. Make sure they’re
mentally and physically healthy and capable of creating the best game ever.
: Making games is not a job….
: "作遊戲不是工作"
If you’re doing it as your job, then yes it is.
: Pushing a mouse is not a hardship….
: "動動滑鼠一點也不難,"
Repetitive strain injury disagrees, and I’m still curious what job you do
that pushing a mouse is your full job.
: It’s the most amazing opportunity you can possibly get paid to pursue.…
: "那是你該值得追尋的美妙機會"
I think everyone in this industry agrees with that one, but many of us also
feel being paid ‘fairly’ and for all hours we work should be part of that
: Start believing it….
: "試著相信這件事"
Can I pay for this loaf of bread with my belief in how cool my job is? No?
: And you’ll discover that you are even better at it.
: "你會發現你可以做得更好。"
Maybe if your job is pushing a mouse, believing will get you further. In this
industry, you get better from making games, practicing, and experience. You
only get to use that experience if you don’t burn out entirely and leave for
a saner industry. Great art isn’t made by burning out making it. Great art
is made through passion and experience and you won’t have either if you burn
: Don’t be in the game industry if you can’t love all 80 hours [per] week of
: it….
: "假如你不對一周八十小時充滿熱愛,你不應該在這個產業內,"
Don’t listen to this person. Please be in the games industry if you want to
make games and care. I don’t care if you want to make games for two hours
every night after work or for 40 hours for a paycheck or for 80 hours as an
entrepreneur. Just don’t make others pay with their health for your shitty
: You’re taking a job from somebody who would really value it.
: "你的這份工作其他人很想要。"
Don’t worry, the way you see this industry, they’ll burn out really fast
Devs, this is an absurd article. I care so much about games. I’ve dedicated
my life so far to making games, to enabling others around the world to make
games, and to learn as much as possible [about] this medium — mobile,
casual, [triple-A], indie, whatever. I tell you here and now: Structural
crunch is bad, and burning out is real. Be passionate. Make games. But please
take care of you, so we can have you and your games and your experience
around for many more years to come. Whether it’s as a 9-to-5 employee, a
legendary developer, an indie, or a part-time developer.
Rami Ismail is cofounder of developer Vlambeer. He has produced hits like
Luftrausers, Ridiculous Fishing, Super Crate Box, and Nuclear Throne. He is
also a significant figure in the indie-gaming scene.
Rami Ismail 是 Vlambeer 的投資人。他發行過 Luftrausers, Ridiculous Fishing,
Super Crate Box, Nuclear Throne。他也是著名的獨立遊戲代表人物。