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2016-04-25 20:27:29Why ‘crunch time’ is still a problem in the video game industry
[翻譯] 為何加班仍是遊戲產業的問題
Dean Takahashi March 20, 2016 11:23 AM
整理請見:http://wp.me/PBAPd-uT ]
Kate Edwards likes to do cosplay (costume play) as characters like Thor, a
valkyrie, Indiana Jones, and Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones. That may
give her the fortitude to handle her next big task as executive director of
the International Game Developers Association. Last week, during the Game
Developers Conference, Edwards announced the IGDA is going further in
measuring the “crunch time” practices, or mandatory uncompensated overtime
required to finish projects, at major game companies.
Kate Edwards 喜歡用索爾,女武神,印第安納瓊斯,以及權力遊戲的布蕾妮來角色扮演
。這些角色給予她堅毅的感覺來處理她的下一個任務:IGDA 的執行監督。上周,在 GDC
活動時期,Edwards 公佈 IGDA 將進一步評估大型遊戲公司關於實務上加班的時間或為了
The group has already been doing those surveys for the past couple of years.
Now, it will gather more precise data from employees of game companies, and
it will report on the companies with the best crunch time practices later
this year. And next year, the IGDA will reward the companies that are doing
the best. But if companies with bad reputations refuse to change, the IGDA
might publicly report companies that continue to force employees to work
uncompensated crunch time.
結論會在今年下半年發表實務上加班時間數字。下一年,IGDA 將會獎勵那些執行最好的
In an interview with GamesBeat, Edwards said that surveys for the past two
years show at least 37 percent of game developers say they are not
compensated for crunch time, when they work long hours in a day or week to
finish a game.
在一場與 GamesBeat 的訪問中,Edwards 說道過去兩年的問卷顯示出最少百分之三十七
“We know it is a persistent problem,” she told me. “Now, what do we do
about it? We’d prefer to highlight the companies that are doing really well.
If there’s an exemplary company, we will highlight them. If we found an
example that is grievous, we’ll probably highlight that as well.”
Uncompensated crunch time has been a challenge in the industry for the
longest time, and it was drawn into the open by the “EA Spouse”
controversy, when developer Erin Hoffman wrote an anonymous screed
criticizing Electronic Arts for requiring employees to work long hours in the
final process of shipping games — and then moving them on to new crunch time
projects as soon as they finished. The 2004 episode drew a lot of attention
to crunch time, but the issue has almost been forgotten again.
無償的加班對產業來說是一個挑戰,最早可以追溯到 EA 配偶的爭辯。當時開發者 Erin
Hoffman 匿名檢舉:美商藝電讓員工在產品上線前超時工作,然後讓這個情形在專案結束
持續延長到其他案子。在 2004 年這個事件吸引了對於加班議題的關注目光,顯然現在大
Edwards said the IGDA board of directors will privately raise their concerns
with leaders at companies practicing uncompensated crunch. If those companies
do not change their practices, then the IGDA may take more action, including
publicly speaking out about those firms, Edwards said. Here’s an edited
transcript of our conversation.
Edwards 說道 IGDA 董事會私底下針對實行無償加班的公司領導者進行了瞭解。假如那些
公司不改變他們的實行方式,IGDA 會採取更多行動,包含公布公司清單。接下來是這次
GamesBeat: It looks like you’re starting gradually, but it seems like you
have to get your data absolutely right now. It can’t be vague. If you
associate it with named companies, it has to be very strong data.
Kate Edwards: This will be the third year of the Developer Satisfaction
Survey. We’re launching today. We have two years of data, which is built on
several years of older quality of life data we’ve been doing since 2004.
Looking back over the stretch, it’s been obvious from the data we’ve
collected — we all know crunch is an issue.
[Kate Edwards]
據是來自從 2004 年關於生活品質的數據。拉長來看,我們收集到的數據非常明顯,加班
We also know compensation can be an issue around crunch. Seeing the numbers
in the last couple years has given us an indication. Between 2014 and 2015 we
saw 38 and 37 percent of developers, respectively, stating they don’t get
compensation for crunch time. That’s ringing an alarm. That’s a huge
percentage. More than a third of developers get no compensation for something
that’s common in our industry.
我們也知道加班報酬也是另一個問題。從前幾年的數據來看已經顯示出徵兆。在 2014 年
及 2015 年間,我們看見百分之三十八,及百分之三十七的開發者分別都指出他們沒有拿
What we’re trying to do now with this initiative, which for now we’re
calling the Crunch Comp Initiative, is the next step. What do we do? We see
data that tells us this is a persistent problem. We’ve known anecdotally for
many years that it’s a problem. We’ve collected data that more specifically
shows it’s a problem. So what do we do?
The approach we’ve decided to take is to extend beyond that. We’ve
collected data from developers through our survey, but if we can get
developers to start offering their own experiences through a mechanism that
allows them to report in a style like Glassdoor, that kind of method, they
can show us. “Here was my experience. Here’s how I would rate the company
on this issue.” Hopefully, we’ll get a significant accumulation and be able
to see across the board.
如我們能設計一個機制令開發者能夠舉報這些行為,細節,及評分(如 Glassdoor 這樣
It’s going to take time to ramp this up and get feedback, but as we get that
feedback, we’d prefer to highlight the companies we see that are doing well
and say, “Look, this company is getting good feedback on this issue.” The
board does a positive impact award every year. Maybe if there’s an exemplary
company, we’ll say, “Let’s specifically highlight this company for what
they’ve done.”
Conversely, though, if we found an example that’s particularly bad or
grievous, we would probably talk about that as well. If we’re seeing, on a
scale of 1 to 100 or whatever, they’re rated at five by a lot of developers,
that’s obviously an issue.
GamesBeat: You do it as a survey now. Would you have to change it at all to
have that Glassdoor capability, where people can approach you and say what
they think?
你目前是以問卷的形式進行。你會改變為像是 Glassdoor 的形式嗎?人們可以舉報他們
Edwards: We’re planning to continue the survey every year. That’s still a
benchmark we use. We collect a lot of data in there that would not be
collected elsewhere. We’re looking into partnering with a third party like
Glassdoor or one of the others out there. They have the mechanism already.
其他地方無法得到。我們正在尋求第三方的組織像 Glassdoor 來協助我們。他們已經有
If you look on Indeed.com, for example, they have subcategories for the
workplace. They have a work-life balance category for companies. If we can
work with them to get a couple additional categories, specific ones about
issues related to the game industry, and partner on those categories …
ultimately I’d like to see, if we can get this set up, we could roll out
all kinds of issues. How are they doing on diversity from an employee
舉例來說,假如你觀察 Indeed.com ,他們有關於工作環境的子分類。關於公司的生活平
GamesBeat: Your data is good enough to point people out publicly.
Edwards: Now that we’re in this era where that kind of mechanism works and it
’s something that people are used to, we see it across the board with Yelp
and TripAdvisor and all these methods. There are imperfections in all these
methods we have to be aware of. Obviously, all of it’s going to have to be
vetted. We’ll have to look and see what people are saying, so someone’s not
going on there and randomly commenting. Which is why, again, we’d like to
use a method from a third party. They’re already doing that.
Yelp 或 TripAdivsor 這樣的討論區。當然我們知道所有的方案都有不完美的地方,也
GamesBeat: Have you found that some people already feel like they can’t be
honest because they don’t trust the anonymity of it?
Edwards: Yes. That’s part of it. You look at some of the examples out there,
like Glassdoor, there is anonymity there. You decide what level of anonymity
you want. I’ve seen Glassdoor reviews where you can pretty obviously pick
out who it might have been or narrow it down very closely. Maybe the person
doesn’t care, but they have the ability to dial in and out of anonymity.
沒錯。這是其中的一個部分。看像 Glassdoor 的例子就知道,確實是有匿名功能的。你
Glassdoor 的設定,在那邊你可以選擇匿名的設定。也許大家並不在意,但是確實可以
Something like TripAdvisor, you can set up an anonymous account with a fake
name or something. A lot of the stuff I see there is people logging in with
Facebook, though. They have no qualms about tying their name to reviews.
Typically, when people do that, they’re giving good reviews.
如同 TripAdvisor,你即便可以設定匿名或假名的帳號。仍有人會用臉書登入。他們回應
GamesBeat: What do you already know as opposed to what’s going to be in the
next survey? You already know that 37 and 38 percent are a problem. Do you
know other things associated with crunch time?
Edwards: We’re not just tracking compensation, of course, but just the
occurrence of crunch. When we look at the data between 2004 and 2014 — we
didn’t incorporate 2015 data into this particular segment — the occurrences
of crunch are declining. It’s not quite as often, and when it does occur, it
’s not quite as long. But it’s still happening. I’m expecting we might see
that continued trend. Looking at it on a yearly basis, maybe it’s not quite
as good of a snapshot. I don’t think it’ll change that radically. But we’
ll have to see.
我們不只是希望追討加班報酬,而是希望追蹤加班的事實。當我們查看 2004 年到 14 年
的資料時-這裡還不算 2015 年的部分-加班的事實是在下降的。這很少見,加班發生時
We always ask — and I don’t expect the answer to change — about the cause
of crunch. It’s pretty consistent. Poor project management. Inexperienced
managers. Things like feature creep. Those are usually the big ones.
GamesBeat: I always thought that mobile was going to be different. I wonder
about the categories now, whether you’d be able to identify problems in
certain categories. It seems like mobile would be worse for crunch time
because the updates happen all the time in free-to-play games. They operate
24 hours. They’re always connected. It’s an always-on environment.
Edwards: The thing that helps with mobile, though, when it’s always on, there
’s a level of predictability. It allows you to predict staffing and content
flow and work flow better than when you have something like a massive RPG
that you’re trying to do over the course of years.
A lot of the mobile stuff tends to have better control over feature creep for
example. It’s usually a specific type of game. There isn’t often room for
feature creep, depending, although you might have cases of something like
adding a whole new set of power-ups you can buy. But even there, when I’ve
talked to people in the industry, they have an understanding of what work
that entails. It’s not as if at the eleventh hour someone says, “We need
another power-up set.”
The potential is there for any game project to feature creep or just run away
with people. But in mobile, it comes down to a company culture issue. If they
want people to be constantly crunching on their content that will never end,
that’s a pretty dismal future for most developers. I don’t think it would
be sustainable from a workplace standpoint. With something like a large
triple-A title where you expect a light at the end of the tunnel, even if the
light keeps creeping further away because of schedule changes or features.
The problem I’ve seen in the triple-A space with crunch is partially just
because it’s part of the creative process. Whether or not they call it that,
people crunch in film, in television. Writers crunch to finish that last
chapter the editor is yelling for. It’s the nature of creative work, that it
’s never really done. The only reason a film releases is because someone
sets a date and backs up the schedule with marketing and everything else that
has to happen.
It’s why we have director’s cuts. “Well, that wasn’t exactly what I
wanted. Here’s this version that shows you what I would have done.” With
games, we can kind of do that. We just release DLC or do a patch.
GamesBeat: Although it seems like DLC’s made it so you lost whatever
downtime you used to get when you finished a game. Now, a game’s never
Edwards: Exactly. That’s one thing that brings it closer to the mobile
model. With mobile, games tend to be more confined in their scope and more
predictable in how their content rolls out. The DLC model being applied to a
triple-A console game is almost like you’re trying to apply the mobile model
and expecting people to sustain that same workload — especially if a game
becomes really popular. “Oh, we need more DLC.” That’s not sustainable.
GamesBeat: The Zynga team on FarmVille got more relief when they opened an
India office. They didn’t have to be on 24/7 anymore. They could hand it off
to a team on the other side of the world. It seems like that’s one way to
relieve the time pressure.
Zynga 的 FarmVille 團隊開啟了印度辦公室後得到了解脫。不再需要加班,而是將超出
Edwards: Absolutely. It’s just making sure you staff and plan for it. We’re
seeing a lot of companies where .. as we see crunch time diminish a bit in
the industry, that’s part of a maturation process. I hope it’s a maturation
of management at game companies, understanding that this model had its time
in our industry’s histories, but … as industries mature, like we’ve seen
in the general IT sector, a lot of companies are pushing their employees to
take better care of themselves. Even if it means being in something like a
company-town environment. “Go use the gym at our office.” They lavish their
employees with ways to take care of themselves. We’re seeing some game
companies do that too. But I’d say not on the scale that we see outside the
game industry.
GamesBeat: They’ll also do it just to keep employees at work all the time.
Edwards: No, certainly. Developers think about the ulterior motive. “Why do
they give me this incredibly good food for dinner every night? Oh, they want
me to stay here and eat it.” It can be a trap. I understand why companies do
it. But that kind of model, where it becomes something we’re used to …
during the DICE awards, some of the winners on stage accepting awards were
talking about how they missed … their kids. It struck me as I was listening.
I’d love to ask them as a parent — OK, 10 years from now, what would you
rather have? The award or the time with your children? I can guarantee what
the answer’s going to be.
公室。這一定是圈套。我很清楚了等等的。但是我看過在 DICE 的頒獎典禮上得獎人會說
It’s about the value of your time. Trying to get a perspective on that in
our industry is something we still struggle with. We’re passionate about
making games. We love making games. Developers want to make games
indefinitely. When we ask them these questions, they’re very clear about
that. But you don’t want to do it at the expense of everything else in your
GamesBeat: You’re almost trying to tell people this for their own good.
Sometimes they’re not realizing that crunch has a cost for them.
Edwards: It does have a cost. It has a long-term effect. It takes a real toll
on health. If you work 70 hours a week, that’ll affect your health without a
doubt. We understand that there are reasons it happens, but there are also
many good reasons it doesn’t have to happen or at least not to the degree it
Better project management is part of that. But one of the things that will
feed that, especially in the game industry, is having a better handle on the
creative scope of what you’re making. That’s a harder task. When you set
out to create whatever massive project it might be — I understand. I’ve
worked on many games. I get how the energy of the creative process is so
important that it changes the scope and changes what you have in mind. I’ve
been involved with projects where that last-minute inspiration hits. It’s
the weekend before cert and somebody says, “Oh my God, we need to do this. It
’ll change everything. Let’s stay for a 72-hour stretch and get this done.”
You have to weigh it. Is the player going to care that much about the time you
’re spending? Or is it something you can do in another version or in DLC
later? Is it really something you have to put yourself out there for? I don’
t know if game companies tend to be as judicious as they need to be in
thinking about the overall effect of that. It’s hard. They know their launch
must be successful. But in my view, if you’re not already sure about that in
the creative vision you started working on, maybe you should have had a
different creative vision.
GamesBeat: Do you get a sense of whether good managers are the ones who
restrain their employees from doing crunch? Do employees want to crunch
without realizing the cost to it? Or are people being forced to crunch when
they’d rather not?
Edwards: It’s a mix of both. Long-standing tradition in our industry has
been one where it’s been more about forced crunch. Sadly, I’ve heard this
many times from different developers. They say, “I can’t complain about it,
because the standard response is just, ‘Go ahead and go. We’ve got 20
people to take your place.’” Which instantly ascribes a lack of any value
to the specific employee in the company. You’re just a cog and easily
replaced. That’s not a great morale-builder to begin with.
When I give talks, sometimes I have a slide that’s a frame from Bridge on
the River Kwai. In that movie, the Japanese general kept telling the POWs, “
Be happy in your work.” Sometimes we get that attitude coming in the game
industry. Just be happy. You’re lucky to be here. We want to see that go
away. People should have a choice.
A lot of it comes down to, when you’re hiring into a company, if you’re
interested in working for a company, companies should be explicit about how
much they typically crunch. Be upfront about it. “We look back on our work
data over the last few years, and we generally crunch a third of the time.”
Disclose an idea of what crunch is like, and tell people about whether or
not they’ll be compensated for it. Then, developers can at least make an
informed choice.
When it comes down to individual managers, it’s important for them to be
monitoring both the physical and mental health of their employees. “Hey, you
’ve been here three days straight. Maybe you should take a break?” At the
same time, there’s a certain level of creative freedom you want to allow. If
you have someone who says, “I don’t need to go home. I don’t have a family
to see. I want to work another 12 hours on this because my train of thought
on this issue will be complete, and I’ll get this done. Then, I can walk
away feeling good about it.”
There’s a balance. To some degree, if somebody is that into a particular
task — even then, managers need to step up and draw a line. “You’ve been
working on that for three days, and you still don’t have an end in sight.
Maybe you should clear your head and come back to it.”
GamesBeat: Is there already any established practice as far as compensated
crunch at particular companies?
Edwards: I don’t know specifics. It’s hard to get that information from
companies. We’re looking into it, though. If you look in the DSS data, we
have people reporting that they get certain bonus structures. We ask all
kinds of questions around bonuses, around whether or not the bonuses are
performance based or project based and so on. The 37 and 38 percent we’re
identifying are people who say, “We don’t get any of that. We just do it.”
GamesBeat: For the companies that show repeated problems, how are your board
members going to communicate with them? What are the steps you’d take before
going public?
Edwards: First and foremost, board members will approach the company
directly. “We’ve been noticing a lot of people reporting issues around this
problem in your company.” We’ll just sit down and have a conversational
approach. We’ll get the company’s perspective and understand their point of
view on the issue. We’ll see if there’s any acknowledgement or
understanding that it’s an issue. If there is, we’ll try to discern if there
’s a plan in place to fix this and change the way business is done. Or, is
this based on a specific anomaly, a specific project? Maybe it’s not normal,
but it spiked because of something in particular.
Basically, we’ll just do some discovery and learn more about it. The process
from there is ultimately going to be up to the board to decide as far as how
vocal they want to be. Our perspective is that if we see an example of a
company where we’re able to determine with certainty that it’s a problem,
they know about it; they’re not willing to do anything about it; they’re
not taking steps to fix it; then, it’s likely at that point that the IGDA
will speak up publicly. “Hey, developers, if you’re looking for a job, here
’s an example of a space that you probably don’t want to consider. After
our repeated engagement with them and after collecting data on the situation
there, it’s probably not the best situation.”
道這是一個問題;他們可能不願意處理;他們可能沒有採取行動來修正;那麼 IGDA 就會
GamesBeat: Companies won’t be happy about that. Have you felt any backward
pressure yet on that topic?
Edwards: Some companies are uncomfortable with the topic because they
recognize that it’s an issue. A lot of what we’re dealing with, too, is a
certain degree of legacy. We’ve been on this industry train that just keeps
chugging along at a very fast pace. “We got the first game done. We have to
get the sequel out. We have to get the DLC done.” It keeps moving, and there
’s no chance to step back for a moment and say, “What are we really doing
here? What’s our workplace like?”
I don’t know to what degree there’s any deep introspection at the company
level. I know some companies do that. A lot of companies say they do. I’m
not saying I disbelieve that, necessarily, but I don’t know about the degree
to which they take action when they hear from their employees about issues
that come up.
That’s why, when it comes to the method we want to use, we want to do a
quiet engagement and give the company a chance to talk with us. Along with
this initiative, we’re going to take some of the data we have and stuff we’
ve done in the past around best practices and how you can avoid crunch and
create an environment that works. We’ll share with the companies and see if
they want to employ those ideas.
I don’t think it’s going to be swift. Obviously, we want to give companies
a chance to react, especially if they’re open-minded. But I’m sure there
are some that won’t be. In those cases, the last resort we’d want to do is
basically outing a company as a potentially problematic workplace for
developers. That’s an absolute last resort.
GamesBeat: Do you have a timetable for when you’ll get to finished data?
Edwards: We probably will do some kind of listing, like what we do out of the
developer survey right now. We ask developers which companies they’d most
like to work for from a general perception standpoint. Valve is always at the
top of the list. We’ll do something like that — which companies were the
highest ranked every year in terms of how they deal with this specific issue.
I’m hoping that we can crank this up and get something open by Q3 of this
year. That’s when we’ll have something we can invite developers to start
giving input on.
Kate Edwards is the Executive Director of the International Game Developers
Association (IGDA), appointed in December 2012. She is also the founder and
principal consultant of Geogrify, a Seattle-based consultancy for content
culturalization, and a unique hybrid of an applied geographer, writer, and
corporate strategist.
Kate Edwards 在2012年十二月開始擔任 IGDA 的執行監督。它同時也是 Geogrify 的創
辦人及主要顧問。Geogrify 是一間西雅圖針對內容本地化的顧問公司。Kate 也同時有地