portia (close2me)
2013-10-26 22:57:36http://www.cottonseedoiltour.com/history/
1882 First cottonseed oil bottled in the States
1897 First national cotton organization founded –
later called the National Cottonseed Products Association
1899 Chemist David Wesson develops new process
for deodorizing cottonseed oil –Wesson OilR introduced
1909 American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) formed
to advance oil and fat chemistry
1911 CriscoR (short for crystallized cottonseed oil) shortening introduced
1937 Cottonseed oil edges out coconut oil,taking lead in margarine production
1941 World War II causes cottonseed oil shortages,forces soybean oil
1944 Soybean oil outranks cottonseed oil for first time
1980 Industry moves to cleaner, safer and cost-effective production
methods to extract oil1
1993 Cottonseed oil reaches estimated retail value of $1,741,470,6502
1997 Prepared Foods magazine reports,
“Cottonseed oil is one of the most suitable oils
for frying potato chips… it gives a very pleasant, natural flavor.”
十多年前 棉仔油在美 是炸瑪琳薯片的
2004 Domestic demand for CSO surges above 900 million lbs
for first time in nearly a decade
九年前 棉仔油在美 年用九億磅
2004 CriscoR introduces Zero Grams Trans Fat per serving
all-vegetable shortening made with cottonseed oil
2005 ConAgra Foods launches new zero trans WessonR cottonseed oil blend
2007 ACH Food Companies Inc. debuts new FryMax and Mazola zero trans cottonseed oil blends
六年前 化學改造棉仔油 還陸續推出
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