[新聞] 陰莖增大手術失敗,憤怒的黑幫老大fox-24

作者: fun5566 (8卦板譯人打賞箱沒錢)   2022-01-06 04:56:55
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Penis Enlargement Surgery Fails, Angry Yakuza Boss Orders To Stab Nurse Head
: Okezone News
陰莖增大手術失敗,憤怒的黑幫老大命令(小弟)刺傷護士頭:Okezone 新聞
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Nicole World about 4 hours ago
JAPAN – A Yakuza top boss ordered to kill nurse in the plastic surgery after
surgery to increase the size of his manhood spectacularly failed.
日本- 一名黑幫「工藤會」老大在「陰莖增大」手術失敗後,下令殺死整形外科的護士。
This is based on data heard in court in 2017. Satoru Nomura, 75, is suspected
of seeking revenge after a botched penis enlargement and hair removal procedure ended.
這是根據 2017 年在法庭上聽到的資料。 75 歲的 Satoru Nomura (野村悟)被懷疑在一
次拙劣的陰莖增大和除毛手術結束後 尋求報復。
In January 2013, a nurse was stabbed in the head on a street in Hakata Ward,
Fukuoka City, Japan.
The crime kingpin who heads the Kudo-kai syndicate, known to be the most
violent in Japan, was sentenced to death by hanging in August 2020.
2020 年 8 月,日本最暴力的工藤會犯罪集團(黑社會組織)的老大被判處(以)絞刑(處死)

He is claimed to have ordered the assassins to carry out “organized
retaliation” because he “unjustifiably hates failed operations”.
據稱,他命令刺客們進行“有組織的報復”,因為他“毫無道理地憎恨 失敗的手術們”

Read also: Yakuza boss sentenced to death, threatens judge to regret his
decision for life
另請閱讀:Yakuza 老闆被判死刑,威脅法官終身後悔他的決定
“The motive for the incident was personal revenge on Nomura’s part,”
prosecutors said.
The female nurse – a member of the surgical team during the operation – is
stabbed by suspected assassin Yoshinobu Nakata.
這名女護士 - 手術期間的1名外科小組成員 - 被嫌犯刺客中田佳信刺傷。
But Nakata denied conspiring to attack nurses in the city of Fukuoka, Japan.
Also read: Japanese Court Sentenced to Death Boss Kudo-Kai, The Cruelest
Yakuza Group
另請閱讀:日本法院判處 最殘忍的黑幫工藤會的 老大死刑
Tokyo Reporter reports Nomura is also known to have undergone hair removal
treatment at the same clinic.
According to Asia Times, in the past, if someone was a top yakuza boss and
his henchmen killed someone, they could make a big payment, apologize silently,
and get away with it.
But Nomura’s case marks a wave of change in Japan’s treatment of
out-of-control mobs. When the Fukuoka District Court sentenced Nomura to death,
he made terrible threats, telling the judges that they would “regret” their decision.
“I am asking for a fair decision … You will regret this for the rest of
your life,” he told Chief Justice Ben Adachi at the time.
The case relates to one count of murder, three counts of attempted murder and
a number of other charges. However, the case of the nurse who took care of
Nomura after his surgery became a case that was quite prominent.
然而,野村悟手術後照顧野村悟的 這個護士的這個案例 ,卻成了一個相當突出的案例。
Asia Times reported that the nurse angered her when she ignored her
complaints about the pain by saying.
“This couldn’t have been more painful than getting one of those yakuza
tattoos,” he said.
Prosecutors don’t have the slightest bit of evidence that Nomura
orchestrated mob violence, so his sentencing with such ancient methods came as
a shock to many in Japan.
因此他用這種古老的方法們判刑 令許多人感到震驚。
It is known, Japan still allows death by hanging in cases of multiple murder,
rape and murder, or murder and robbery.
眾所周知,日本仍然允許在多起謀殺、強姦和謀殺 或 謀殺和搶劫 案件們中以絞刑處以
Nomura became the first mob boss to be sentenced to death. The violent gang
Nomura is the most notorious offshoot of the Yakuza, a long-standing Japanese
mafia group that dates back to the ancient samurai.
It is estimated that more than 25,000 Japanese are members of the group.
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