[情報] Replacement Value (Fangraphs)

作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2008-12-25 01:40:16
There’s a new section in the batting player pages which does the job of
calculating a player’s runs over replacement and wins over replacement.
Major thanks goes to Dave Cameron, Sean Smith, and Tangotiger for instructing
me on the best way to do this.
Under each “Value” section you’ll find:
要了解這個要先講wOBA是甚麼? wOBA是TangoTiger 所提出的統計數字
wOBA(Weight On-Base Average)
=(0.72xNIBB + 0.75xHBP + 0.90x1B + 0.92xRBOE + 1.24x2B + 1.56x3B + 1.95xHR)
/ PA
Batting - wRAA (Runs Above Average) with a park adjustment.
wRAA=(wOBA - lgwOBA) / wOBAScale * PA
wOBAScale是一個將wOBA轉換成Run的基數 每年會有微小的變化
Fielding - The sum of a player’s UZR.
Replacement - The replacement level adjustment set at 20 Runs / 600 PA.
replacement level的調整每600個PA 20Runs EX:鐵爺今年685PA
Positional - The positional adjustment set using Tangotiger’s values (see
this link)
(12.5/162 * G * (C/PG)) + (7.5/162 * G * (SS/PG)) +
(2.5/162 * G * ((P2B+P3B+CF)/PG)) +
(-7.5/162 * G * ((RF+LF)/PG)) + (-12.5/162 * G * (P1B/PG)) +
(-22.5/162 * G * (DH/PG))
Tango說DH 實際上應該是-17.5
EX:A-Rod Positonal=2.5/162*131(3B)+(-17.5/162*7)(DH)=1.3
每個守備有不同的調整常數 有興趣的可以去 這看 http://tinyurl.com/9rkd4n
Value Runs - The sum of Batting, Fielding, Replacement, and Positional.
Value Wins - Value Runs converted to a wins scale.
將Value Runs除一個將Runs轉成Wins的常數每年不太一樣大都在10~11之間巴
Dollars - Value Wins converted to the following dollar scale:
將Value Win轉成$$
2002 - $2.6m / win
2003 - $2.8m / win
2004 - $3.1m / win
2005 - $3.4m / win
2006 - $3.7m / win
2007 - $4.1m / win
2008 - $4.5m / win
This will all eventually be in the leaderboards and team pages, probably later
this week.
Cool!!!連WAR都有了 Fangraphs就甘心耶
Alex Rodriguez 2008 wOBA:0.413
(0.334是lgwOBA,1.15是轉換系數 594是他今年的打席數)
Fielding 我不會算UZR XD 直接幹FanGraphs的 -0.1
Value Run=40.5-0.1+19.8+1.3=61.5
Value Win=61.5/10=6.15
作者: sominithing (沒歐趴紀錄維持中)   2008-02-25 01:43:00
!!!!!!!!!!!!! 雖然我看不懂
作者: hwwof (kkkn)   2008-02-25 01:48:00
大意是說 我也看不懂
作者: andy80209 (天地不容的存在)   2008-02-25 01:48:00
就甘心耶 裝自己看的懂
作者: jdtrue (u can't see me)   2008-02-25 01:50:00
大推fangraph 好用:p
作者: realestate (不動產)   2008-02-25 01:50:00
哇! 真棒! 看懂的來說明吧
作者: jwencmc (原來..這就是刻骨銘心)   2008-02-25 01:52:00
嗯嗯...讚喔 怕被笑看不懂
作者: jdtrue (u can't see me)   2008-02-25 01:57:00
哇喔 Teixeira的2008 Value Wins是6.8 換算是30.5M!
作者: catsondbs (貓仔)   2008-02-25 03:14:00
還是看不明有甚麼意思 就是像OPS+一樣看看比平均高多少?
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2008-02-25 03:21:00
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2008-02-25 03:22:00
這個數據的目地跟BP的WARP一樣,大概Tango要來跟BP PK
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2008-02-25 03:23:00
的數據 科科
作者: gamelist (King for CYA!)   2008-02-25 11:21:00
第一段:Tango Tiger打成Tanog Tiger了

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