muenexp (Hopemonger)
2010-04-02 17:53:18※ 引述《Conjuror (阿啾)》之銘言:
: 球隊對於接下來如果遇上有人受傷會有什麼問題嗎?
: This team is supermodel-thin in the outfield. It's got a kiddie-pool infield—
: breadth in lots of options, but no depth in talent. The outfield—Ramirez,
: Matt Kemp and Andre Ethier—is backed up by Johnson and the mythical Jason
: Repko. Greg Miller disease, you see. Casey Blake, Rafael Furcal and James
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: Loney are assured starting spots in the infield, while Blake Dewitt and
: Alfredo Amezaga are battling the aforementioned Belliard and Carroll for the
: second base job. If one of the non-Loney infielders goes down—and remember,
: Furca is a member of this group—then the replacement would likely come from
: one of the losers of the second base competition. Catcher Russell Martin,
: facing serious questions about his own future, is backed up by A.J. Ellis,
: whose tangible skills include getting on base at an acceptable rate and,
: well, getting on base at an acceptable rate.
這邊有小小嗆了一下Jason Repko, 因為沒人懂他何德何能一直被續約.
Greg Miller disease 應該是在揶揄 Repko 跟 Greg Miller一樣永遠打不出來,
: 而 Casey Blake, Rafael Furcal 跟 James Loney 都確定了他們在內野的先發位置
: Blake Dewitt 跟 Alfredo Amezaga 還在等著看要選誰
: Belliard 跟 Carroll 也還沒決定要放誰在二壘
: 如果倒下的不是 Loney 的話,那就會讓二壘比輸的放去他的位置
: 補手的位置現在也有 A.J. Ellis 當備用,他的上壘率也還可以…嗯,就還可以
漏翻了一句, 作者說 Russell Martin 正在認真考慮他的下一支球隊.
: As for the infielders, the team could survive an injury to anyone from second
: base around to third without suffering a season-crushing blow. That is, of
: course, unless Blake plans to do at 36 something like what he did at 35, when
: he posted a .280/.363/.468 line. That's a guy you can't lose. Problem is, of
: course, due to regression and aging, the Dodgers probably already have lost
: him. It's difficult to say what sort of impact an injury to Loney would have,
: as he's quite the wildcard heading into 2010, but we'll talk about him later.
: 內野的話,二壘到三壘只要不是整季爆消都不會有問題
: 除非 Blake 打算在他 36 歲的高齡還打算像他去年一樣兇
: (打擊三圍 .280/.363/.468)
: 儘管 Loney 如果受傷又沒有他的話可能會有點衝擊
: 不然球隊基於年齡考量,已經準備好會失去他的打算了
: 或許我們等等可以再聊聊有關他的事...
關於內野的這段翻譯不太精確, 作者是說除了 Loney 之外,
其他內野防區的先發包括 Furcal 在內,
除非 Blake 能以 36歲的高齡打出去年 35歲的三圍, 這時他受傷才會讓球隊有所損失.
不過當然, 受到回歸平均水準以及老化的影響,
Blake 其實已經無法給 Dodgers 什麼貢獻了.
然後作者說很難講 Loney 如果受傷會帶給球隊什麼影響.
: really can't afford for one of them to go down either. That's because the
: group battling for the 30-some starts from the fifth spot, which features
: Eric Stults, James McDonald and Carlos Monasterios, really ought not to make
: many starts from the third and fourth spots in the rotation.
: 至於現在第五號先發還沒決定,應該會從下面三個裡面選一個
: Eric Stults, James McDonald 跟 Carlos Monasterios
: 他們應該也沒辦法先發像第三、四號這麼多場吧
作者認為黑田跟 Padilla 之所以不能倒下,
導致球季還沒開始, 就已經先落後其他球隊30場比賽,
: The bullpen is a brighter picture. I think about four of these guys—Jonathan
: Broxton, George Sherrill, Ramon Troncoso and Hong Chih Kuo—would be in line
: for relief ace work with other teams. (Psst...Mr. Colletti...are you paying
: attention?) And there's some depth to the 'pen, too. Any number of losers in
: the race for the fifth rotation spot can help out of the bullpen, including
: McDonald and Scott Elbert. Bottom line is that the bullpen is about the only
: place the team can reach into its reserves and not suffer much on the field.
: Except second base, I suppose, but the Dodgers don't figure to get much from
: there anyway.
: 牛棚的話…
: Broxton, Sherrill, Troncoso, 小小郭 都可以勝任中繼
不只是勝任, 作者認為他們隨便一個到別隊都是牛棚的王牌.
: (Psst.... Colletti... 你還有在聽嗎?)
: 還有其他可用之兵可以用,上面那些沒當上第五號先發的也是
: 牛棚大概是所有位置裡最不怕有傷兵的吧
: 除了二壘之外,我想道奇應該不太需要擔心太多
作者意思是牛棚跟二壘的深度, 是道奇唯二不需要擔心的地方
: 3. Just who are Loney and Billingsley?
: 剛說 Loney 跟 Billingsley 等等再聊,那就現在聊吧,介紹一下他們吧
: Both born in 1984 and debuting in 2006, they were supposed to be the first
: wave of the monsoon of youngsters who figured to put the Dodgers in a
: dominant position for several years. They've certainly shown significant
: signs of life. All Loney did in his 111 plate appearances in 2006 was post a
: .284/.342/.559 line. Not bad for a 22-year old with a reputation as an
: excellent defender. As for Billingsley, he recorded a shiny 3.80 ERA in 16
: starts. This being 2010, of course, we know to look further—he struck out
: just one more batter than he walked, FIPing his way to a 4.88 freshman
: campaign. Not awe-inspiring, but he is the younger of the two.
: 這兩個都是 1984 年出生的,2006 年選秀進來
: 他們是第一波注入道奇的新血,也讓道奇在後面幾年能有夠縱橫球賽的實力
: 他們應該要算是這一代的代表球員了吧
: Loney 在他的 2006 年 111 次打席中,交出了 .284/.342/.559 的打擊三圍
: 以一個 22 歲的新秀來說算是很威了
作者意思是 Loney 過往一向以防守著稱,
: 而 Billingsley 在 16 次先發中也有亮眼的 3.80 ERA
: (後面這段不會翻 orz)
到了2010年, 我們必須進一步觀察 Billingsley──他去年三振數只比保送多一次,
導致略去守備因素的防禦率(FIP)高達4.88, 幾乎是菜鳥的水平而已.
這不會很令人訝異, 而且他比 Loney 年輕 (還有進步空間)
: reached a career high 88.5 percent last season. If the power comes—and he'll
: turn just 26 in May—he might still be a monster. Through his age-25 season,
: his No. 1 Baseball Reference comparable is Jeff Bagwell. Don't give up, yet,
: Dodgers fans.
漏翻一句, 作者說 Loney 25歲累積的職業成績, 在 Baseball Reference 相似排行榜
上排行第一的是25歲時的巨砲一壘手 Bagwell,
其他地方還是有一些問題, 就請別人接力吧~~