[外電]Twins ink Ryan Doumit to 1-yr, $3M deal

作者: as921011 (Wayne)   2011-11-19 07:34:05
Jerry Crasnick of ESPN.com reports that the Twins have signed Ryan Doumit to
a one-year, $3 million contract.
FOX Sports' Jon Paul Morosi has confirmed the signing. The deal would also
include performance bonuses and is pending a physical. Although injury-prone,
getting Doumit's bat for $3 million looks like a good deal for the Twins. He
figures to spend most of his time in the DH slot but can also fill in at
catcher, first base and in the outfield.
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2010-01-19 07:39:00
作者: KKyosuke (春日恭介)   2010-01-19 07:55:00
應該是來分擔Mauer的責任 而不是直接接下一號捕手吧
作者: KKyosuke (春日恭介)   2010-01-19 07:57:00
他自己也很常受傷 加上防守能力也退步了
作者: zsxdaqwe   2010-01-19 09:24:00
雙城很缺捕手阿 貓兒痛痛+Butera那精美的打擊成績...
作者: catsondbs (貓仔)   2010-01-19 09:55:00
當初把Ramos交易出去 現在付$3M拿Doumit來當二號....
作者: zsxdaqwe   2010-01-19 09:57:00
Ramos那個交易去年來說Capps表現很好 還可以接受
作者: zsxdaqwe   2010-01-19 09:58:00
但今年Capps鳥掉 Ramos起秋 加上雙城捕手也鳥掉
作者: zsxdaqwe   2010-01-19 09:59:00
只能說誰知道貓兒會痛成這樣 BTW, Doumit可以守1B、RF
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2010-01-19 10:02:00
讓他站到一壘就代表猛牛GG 其實不是什麼好事
作者: zsxdaqwe   2010-01-19 10:06:00
猛牛會不會GG一切是未知數 腦震盪害慘了 希望可以恢復
作者: zsxdaqwe   2010-01-19 10:09:00
簽Doumit的好處是 M&M去DH的話他也可以上場打擊
作者: jardon (綜合水果汁武士)   2010-01-19 11:00:00
在想到貓兒的約 一年能蹲多少場呢?
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2010-01-19 11:49:00
應該簽得滿合理的吧 除非交易得到更好的捕手候選
作者: sjvious (LoveIsSweetMisery)   2010-01-19 17:15:00
Doumit 還可以OF 13B
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2010-01-19 17:43:00
可以幫主力選手作體力調節,還佛心的啊 XD
作者: colin79813 (kjam)   2010-01-19 17:57:00
Mauer = V-Mart 了,但Mauer明年開始就要離開捕手這位
作者: colin79813 (kjam)   2010-01-19 17:58:00
作者: porten812 (節能.減碳.發優文)   2010-01-19 19:56:00
作者: tirple (Lynch)   2010-01-19 20:11:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2010-01-19 22:52:00

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