[情報] Why I'll never vote for known 'roid users

作者: abc12812   2013-01-10 09:39:31
1. "It wasn't against the rules."
1. 沒有違規
The conspiracy of silence to this day tells you all you need to know about
the hollowness of such a claim. Again, we were a decade outside of the
steroid bust of Ben Johnson. Steroids were a well-known taboo. Everyone knew,
including those who took them, steroids were a conscious, elaborate, covert
decision to go outside the boundaries of fair competition, not to enable
performance but to enhance it beyond what was naturally possible.
事實是 大家都知道類固醇是違禁品 Ben Johnson的藥檢事件已在多年前發生了
包括那些用藥的人都知道 用藥就是讓成績長的比自然允許的更好
2. "Everybody was doing it."
This canard infuriates me the most. When I wrote the 2002 SI investigation on
steroids in baseball in which Ken Caminiti said about half the players in the
game were juicing, people criticized him for exaggerating the problem. Many
of those same people now are using the "everybody was doing it" excuse. It's
a lazy, terrible insult to everybody who played the game clean.
選票: Bagwell, Craig Biggio, McGriff, Jack Morris, Tim Raines, Curt Schilling
作者: pasaword (P幣拿來)   2013-01-10 09:48:00
都給你檢查了 也沒問題 現在反過頭來咬人 zzz
作者: Pennyjr (木頭人)   2013-01-10 09:54:00
歷史共業,越來越像台灣的政治話題 XD
作者: DerekJeter02 (Captain Clutch)   2013-01-10 10:07:00
作者: pasaword (P幣拿來)   2013-01-10 10:09:00
說得嚴重一點這根本就是對某些人的歧視 lol
作者: pujos (lks)   2013-01-10 10:10:00
作者: pujos (lks)   2013-01-10 10:11:00
作者: pujos (lks)   2013-01-10 10:13:00
作者: WRATH (增長知識充實生命)   2013-01-10 10:56:00
爽 正應該這樣
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2013-01-10 11:24:00
Then, what the fuck happened to Biggio? 講那麼多廢話, 都
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2013-01-10 11:25:00
作者: immortalqq (大牛)   2013-01-10 11:59:00
雙重標準 偽善 還我Biggio
作者: externaload (Vision of disorder)   2013-01-10 12:33:00
作者: maikxz (超級痛痛人)   2013-01-10 13:07:00
作者: dehong   2013-01-10 13:57:00
法院都判無罪了是想怎樣? 改天控告作者殺人 就算無罪釋放
作者: dehong   2013-01-10 13:58:00
作者: cliff02468 (資深反指標)   2013-01-10 14:15:00
這跟打假球還沒定罪就先永不錄用一樣(  ̄ c ̄)y▃ζ
作者: Ryushuier (鍵盤農夫流水兒)   2013-01-10 17:47:00
A-rod 以前已沒有人說吃藥呀 說不定這些都是沒抱出來
作者: tony160079 (La vida de un idiota)   2013-01-10 19:22:00
某些穩進的看來現在也很危險 勇士三巨頭 神的一雙手
作者: mercuryblue (我病了)   2013-01-10 19:31:00
作者: maikxz (超級痛痛人)   2013-01-10 23:48:00
當然穩進啊 只是是不是第一次進就 lol
作者: Guillen   2013-01-11 01:32:00
作者: flyiii (海子海)   2013-01-11 04:08:00
Schilling?? 白癡,大白癡! 根本亂來!
作者: deathsong (智瑟和鳴)   2013-01-11 11:41:00
作者: deathsong (智瑟和鳴)   2013-01-11 11:43:00
更何況漢克阿倫的安非他命法律球場都違規 怎麼沒滾出HOF
作者: deathsong (智瑟和鳴)   2013-01-11 11:44:00
維他命 鈣片難道就沒有幫助身體 怎麼不禁??爛作者
作者: deathsong (智瑟和鳴)   2013-01-11 12:04:00
乾脆什麼都別吃 喝白開水最安全

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