d3osef (阿嘉)
2014-04-27 21:50:39課程名稱︰經濟學原理與實習上
試題 :
經濟學原理一期末考 請在答案卷上清楚地標明題號。
一、選擇題, 回答正確選項即可, 不需說明。 每題2分, 共30分。
1. Imagine a 2,000-acre park with picnic benches, trees, and a pond. Suppose it
is publicly owned, and people are invited to enjoy its beauty. Of course,
when the weather is nice, it is difficult to find parking, and the trash
cans overflow with food wrappers on summer afternoons. Otherwise, it is a
great place. The park is a common good because
(a) when trash cans overflow, a negative externality becomes a positive
(b) it is not fenced to control access.
(c) if too many people use it, one person’s use can prevent others from using
(d) you have to drive to get there and the automobile is a private good.
2.If either supply or demand is perfectly inelastic, then the deadweight
social loss from a tax is
(a) infinite.
(b) large.
(c) small.
(d) zero.
3. Horizontal equity in taxation refers to the idea that people
(a) in unequal conditions should be treated differently.
(b) in equal conditions should pay equal taxes.
(c) should be taxed according to their ability to pay.
(d) should receive government benefits according to how much they have been
4. Smith Tire Co. has total fixed costs of $100,000 per year. The firm’s
average variable costis $80 for 10,000 tires. At that level of output,
the firm’s average total costs equal
(a) $90. (b)$100. (c) $110. (d) $120.
5. Joe’s Garage operates in a perfectly competitive market. At the point where
marginal cost equals marginal revenue, ATC = $20, AVC = $15, and the price
per unit is $10. In this situation,
(a) Joe’s Garage will break even.
(b) Joe’s Garage will shut down immediately.
(c) Joe’s will lose money in the short run, but stay in business.
(d) the market price will fall in the short run.
6. In the prisoner’s dilemma,
(a) the prisoners easily collude in order to achieve the best possible payoff
for both.
(b) only one player has a dominant strategy.
(c) playing the dominant strategy leads to a better payoff for one prisoner
than would jointly selecting a different strategy.
(d) each player has a dominant strategy.
7. Cecilia’s Cafe is a monopolistic competitor. If Cecilia’s is currently
producing at the output level where her average total cost is minimized and
the cafe is earning economic profits, then in the long run output will
(a) decrease and average total cost will increase.
(b) decrease and average total cost will decrease.
(c) remain unchanged as Cecilia’s is doing the best it can.
(d) increase and average total costs will decrease.
8. Suppose potatoes were produced in Canada by many, many firms in perfect
competition. In Belgium, only one firm produces potatoes for the Belgium
market. Suppose further that for the competitive firms and the monopoly
minimum ATC is the same. We would expect that in Belgium the price of
potatoes is ______ and ______ potatoes are produced and sold than in Canada.
(a) higher; more
(b) lower; more
(c) higher; fewer
(d) lower; fewer
9. Most markets are not monopolies in the real world because
(a) firms usually face downward-sloping demand curves.
(b) supply curves slope upward.
(c) there are reasonable substitutes for most goods.
(d) price is usually set equal to marginal cost by firms.
10. Which of the following would make cheating on a collusive agreement more
(a) Greater ease of observing other firms’ prices.
(b) A reduction in the number of sellers in the market.
(c) A greater resulting impact on the market price.
(d) More frequent shifts in market demand.
11. Working in a slaughterhouse is much riskier than working in a bookstore.
As a result, we’d expect a difference in wages between the two jobs, which
is known as
(a) an efficiency wage.
(b) a wage adjustment.
(c) a minimum wage.
(d) a compensating differential.
12. The time spent by students in college
(a) is an investment in human capital.
(b) leads to lower lifetime earnings because opportunity costs are high.
(c) decreases human capital by lowering work experience.
(d) increases as the low-skilled wage rate rises.
13. What two main factors have raised U.S. income inequality recently?
(a) technical change and increased labor union membership
(b) increased labor union membership and higher tax rates
(c) technical change and expanded international trade
(d) lower tax rates and expanded international trade
14. The fact that movie star Julia Roberts’ salary is much higher than the
salary earned by a Nobel prize winning economics professor can best be
explained by the
(a) failure of the market to reward talent fairly.
(b) fact that wage rates cannot reflect the influence of education properly.
(c) willingness of some people to accept a lower wage rate in order to do what
they like most to do.
(d) superstar phenomenon.
15. The philosopher John Rawls argued that
(a) people would choose income equality if they had to determine an economic
distribution system before knowing their place in it.
(b) people would choose income inequality to allow the maximum use of their
individual talents.
(c) government has a role to ensure income equality to prevent social unrest.
(d) people would choose income equality because it is morally right.
二、 非選擇題, 共70分。
答題時請務必簡潔, 並適當說明你的想法,
計算題請說明推理過程, 答案內容以能讓閱卷人瞭解為原則。
1. (15%) 簡答下列問題。
(a) (5%)
宜蘭縣五結鄉公所為了鼓勵鄉民守時的觀念, 推行結婚喜宴準時開桌就送現金三至五千元
的活動。 請由囚犯難題的角度, 分析為什麼喜宴延遲開桌是一個 Nash 均衡。
(b) (5%)
根據勞委會的調查, 2003年依行業區分的初任人員每月平均經常性薪資, 以水電燃氣業的
38,488元最高, 次高的金融保險業則只有28,935元, 再次之的醫療保健服務業也只有
25,235元, 請說明為什麼水電燃氣業的薪資何以能夠高出金融保險業達33%。
(c) (5%)
請說明什麼是國民教育階段的「教育卷」(school vouchers)?
2. (15%) 若個別廠商生產稻米之總成本函數 (total cost) 為TC = 0.2q^2 + 5 ,
(a) (4%)
短期時, 廠商之平均成本 (AC) 和邊際成本 (MC) 各是什麼?
(b) (3%)
假設稻米市場為一完全競爭市場, 現在共有1840 家完全相同廠商,則市場的供給函數為何?
(c) (3%)
(d) (5%)
每家廠商的利潤為何? 每家廠商的產量為何? 幾家廠商退出? 還有幾家廠商?
3. (20%)
MPL = 3K/(L^0.5)。假設兩國的勞動供給無彈性,任何工資之下兩國都各有100和900個勞
總量K分別為 200、100。 請問:
(a) (5%)
A、C 兩國勞工的工資WA與WC各為多少? WA/WC =?(即WA 為WC 的幾倍?)
(b) (5%)
如果 A、C 兩國打開邊界, 使勞工可以自由移動, 假設移動成本為零, 請問勞工將由 A 國
移向 C 國, 還是由 C 國移向 A 國?
(c) (5%)
承上, 勞工自由移動後,A、C 兩國最終將各有多少勞工, 工資各為多少? WA/WC =?
(2^0.5 = 1.41)
(d) (5%)
假設由於某種原因, 使得 C 國的資本總量增為200, 勞工仍然可以自由移動, 此時兩國
將各有多少勞工, 工資各為多少? ( 5^0.5 = 2.24)
4. (20%)
時光倒流至民國70年代, 煙酒公賣局為啤酒市場之獨佔廠商, 假設當時台灣啤酒市場
需求為D=100-2P, 公賣局由埔里酒廠生產並供應全台灣啤酒市場, 該酒廠之總成本函數為
TC(Q) = 500 + 0.125Q^2, 因此邊際成本為MC(Q) = 0.25Q, 除此之外並無其他開銷。
(a) (6%)
(b) (6%)
承上, 公賣局為拓展海外啤酒市場, 將目標瞄準美國。 然而美國啤酒市場需求雖大,
但在眾多廠商高度競爭下已成完全競爭市場, 當地啤酒售價每瓶20元。在加入美國市場考
量下, 公賣局為追求最大利潤, 將分別供應台灣及美國市場各多少瓶啤酒?
在兩地之售價分別為何?(提示: 在台灣的售價較高。)
(c) (2%)
承上, 公賣局利潤為何? 較拓展美國市場前增加多少?
(d) (6%)
承上, 若公賣局因啤酒在美國售價較台灣售價便宜許多而遭美國當地廠商控訴傾銷,
美國政府隨後依「特別301」條款禁止台灣啤酒進口。 在失去海外商機後, 公賣局全力經
營台灣市場, 假設本土啤酒市場需求已擴張為原先兩倍, 即 D = 200-4P, 公賣局另增設
台北酒廠以為因應, 該廠除$700之固定成本外, 生產每瓶啤酒另需$10之原料成本, 此外
每瓶售價為何? 公賣局總利潤為何?