NTUkobe (台大科比)
2014-11-03 18:32:26課程名稱︰電子學一
試題 :
1031 Microeletronic Circuit I (Quiz 1)
date: 2014/10/31 (Fri)
time: 14:20~15:10
1. (50%)For an instrumentation amplifier of the type shown below, a designer
proposes to make R2 = R3 = R4 = 100kΩ, and 2R1 = 10kΩ. For ideal
components, what differential-mode gain, common-mode gain, and CMRR result?
Reevaluate the worst-case values for these for the situation in which all
resistors are specified as ±1% units. Repeat the latter analysis for the
case in which 2R1 is reduced to 1kΩ. What do you conclude about the
importance of the relative difference gains of the first and second stages?
2. A designer, wanting to achieve a stable gain of 100V/V at 5 MHz, considers
her choice of amplifier topologies. What unity-gain frequency would a
single operational amplifier require to satisfy her need? Unfortunately,
the best available amplifier has an f_t of 40 MHz. How many such amplifiers
connected in a cascade of identical noninverting stages would she need to
achieve her goal? What is the 3-dB frequency of each stage she can use?
What is the overall 3-dB frequency?